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Would you please help me with some grammatical issues?

I was about to send a short article about myself to the Defense Language Institute in Texas to be published on the alumni column. When I showed the article to one of my friends, she suggested some modifications, but I disagreed with her. Here are the sentences we disagreed about (The 1st answer is mine, the 2nd is hers):

1- I attended and graduated from DLI in July 1999. Since then,(I’ve made /I made) up my mind to take all of my knowledge of the English language(I’ve learnt / that I learnt) in the DLI and become a high school English teacher after retirement.

2- For that goal, I’ve decided not to stop at (that / this) point of learning (but / to) develop my teaching skills as well.

3- As a positive practical step on that route, I recently did all my best to attend the Officer Instructor Training at the Egyptian Naval Institute for High Studies and (score / scored) the 1st grade with an overall grade of 95%.

4- I wish all students and staff the best and welcome them anytime (to / in) Egypt.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    The use of and apostrophe such as in I've should be written academically as I have.

    I would try to rearrange these sentences slightly, but the brackets now contain what i would write.

    1- I attended and graduated from DLI (NEED FULL NAME OF DLI) in July 1999. Since then, (I decided) to take all of my knowledge of the English language (that I learnt) in the DLI and become a high school English teacher after retirement.

    2- For that goal, (I have) decided not to stop at (this) point of learning (to) develop my teaching skills as well.

    3- As a positive practical step on that route, I recently (attended) the Officer Instructor Training at the Egyptian Naval Institute for High Studies and (gained) the 1st grade with an overall grade of 95%.

    4- I wish all students and staff the best and welcome them anytime (to) Egypt.

    Source(s): University Student in the UK
  • 6 years ago

    1.I attended and graduated from DLI in July 1999. Since then, I made up my mind to take all of my knowledge of the English language I’ve learnt in the DLI and become a high school English teacher after retirement.

    2-For that goal, I’ve decided not to stop at this point of learning to develop my teaching skills as well.

    3- As a positive, practical step on that route, I recently did all my best to attend the Officer Instructor Training at the Egyptian Naval Institute for High Studies and scored the 1st grade with an overall grade of 95%.

    4- I wish all students and staff the best and welcome them anytime in Egypt.

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