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Are Finola Hughes and Ian Buchanan married?

They are actors on General Hospital. Finola is Anna and Ian is on there now playing Duke. But right now, I am referring off-screen. I think that I read somewhere that they were once married. So, are they divorced? Or are they still married? If they did get married, how long did it last? I'm just curious and would like to know. Thanks.

3 Answers

  • MAK
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just very good long time friends.

    Ian`s first big acting break was in 1986, when he landed the role of Duke Lavery on General Hospital. He was paired with Finola Hughes, who played Anna Scorpio, and they remain friends to this day.

    Ian is not married and never was....

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ian Buchanan Married

  • LaRue
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    No, Finola Hughes has been married to Russell Young since 1992.

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