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michael971 asked in PetsCats · 8 years ago

My 14 yr old cat is whiny?

He prefers wet to dry food so I switched a few weeks ago. I don't want to overfeed him. I give him half a can of friskies in the morning and then again in the evening. Is the right amount. He still whines during the day. He seems healthy and about the right weight, is affectionate and nothing else stands out except the complaining.

3 Answers

  • J C
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Due to his age and the fact that he now wants wet, and the fact that he's always hungry, you need to make a vet visit for him. He's probably got a bad teeth or tooth, for one. The constant hunger is a symptom of hyperthyroid - very common in a cat his age, and cheaply diagnosed and treated by the vet. Untreated, hyper-t cats can loose weight, develop heart issues, and even begin peeing out of the litter box. Call the vet on Monday morning and get him seen. In the meantime, feeding him a little more isn't going to hurt at all.

    Source(s): many years of cat rescue
  • ceeli
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    well, he's old and he probably has aches and pains just like an 80 year old man. get him a scratchy pad and some catnip and give him a little pinch every day at the same time, gives him something to look forward to.

    this is the dry cat food i use:

    started feeding this to my cat at about a year old and he's never been sick or ever had a hair ball. i fill up a big bowl with this and he self regulates his own feedings. he's always eaten the same amount, takes him a week to finish the bowl. i credit this food with keeping him so healthy. if your cat's teeth are still good you might want to try it. it's very dense and filling and has high quality ingredients. for some reason he didn't like their wet food at all. he's very active so i have to supplement this with a can of wet in the mornings and evenings. he also gets a few slices of turkey in the middle of the day.

    the only treats he likes are friskies natural sensations, they're like kitty potato chips to him.

    comes in chicken, tuna and salmon.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My cat does the sane thing its normal trust me almost every cat i know does that inless if its old somethings wrong

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