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Golds gym charged 10$ more on a diff day of the month-- what would this usually mean & what to do abt bank?

My sister has overdraft protection from bank of america so that instead of overdrafting it takes from her savings account. She is stuck in a golds gym membership though (wouldn't listen when we told her not to get it, is now learning the hard way :/) , and usually they charge 30 bucks a month on the 24th. This month they charged 40 dollars on the 15th. It usually appears on the bank statement as charged from some place in Texas but this time it just says Golds gym.

Furthermore she had nothing in her savings account (was planning on having the $ in her checking on the 24th when they usually charge the 30$) when they automatically charged it, so I don't know what happens then about the overdraft protection, since it should have defaulted to the savings account. Does that mean she's got to pay an overdraft fee now too from Bank of America, and what would all this do to her credit score? I'm worried & she refuses to take money from me. She's 19 and in a mess. Any advice here would be appreciated.


I don't know if this was specific enough -- one of the things I'm wondering is if it's likely that there was some other fee that was charged as the 40$, and therefore will charge another 30$ on the 24th... or if it's more likely that they upped the fee (but it's a steady contract...?) and charged it earlier than usual.

1 Answer

  • Jo
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Some reason you guys can't call the gym and ask them what is going on?

    We can't possibly know if they will charge again, upped the fee or what the heck it is.

    You really need to call and ask them.

    And same for the bank - ask them. If they are going to charge an overdraft fee - she should see it on her statement - which can be viewed online. It would have been an immediate charge that will show up.

    Shouldn't do anything to her credit score if she gets the bank account back in the positive right away.

    No point in asking out here --- we don't have a clue what the charges from the gym are. No clue what the bank is going to do.

    Time for her to take charge of her own business and make a few phone calls to find out and straighten out. It is her money, it is her credit life, it is her business and she needs to be in charge of her stuff.

    If she is 19 and in a mess and needs to wait until the exact day to put money in - meaning she doesn't have the money in account to pay for this WHENEVER they debit - she really had no business signing up for this. As this wasn't a necessity. As you say - she wouldn't listen and will now have to deal with it.

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