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Does it make you feel good when someone blocks you?

I have had a number of those who don't like my faith decide to block me recently. It doesn't cause me any pain, and am, in fact, Glad that my faith is a threat to their little self absorbed world.

It does annoy me a bit that then they ask questions about my faith, but they only want their own little buddies to answer. But since they do know my answers and they don't want to hear them, I get the last laugh. They are saving me time that would be wasted on them and their poison.


Just so that any one reading this want to knows what my faith is and what I believe, the link below will answer that.

14 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Sounds like you have the right attitude

    Acts 5:41 - And they departed from the presence of the council, "rejoicing" that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.

    They were glad despite their treatment

    So many of God's people were treated poorly just for delivering God's message. Many were told in a way to Shut Up. "Talk no more of these things", "Only say pleasant things"

    The life of God’s prophets and other people who spoke of Godly things often had to face rejection, lives often were made harder because of that rejection, and some suffered enormously by the treatment of others (and sometimes from their own) .You can wonder why but To put it bluntly, these people identify sin by its right name. They spoke the whole true, not just parts they likes. True Worship was never a matter of what was convenient for man to hear. Consequently, many of these were rejected, persecuted, tortured, imprisoned or killed because they usually spoke against things the people loved and honored! That's no different today.

    It seems incredible that God’s creation has degenerated to such a base condition, but it should not surprise us. It is a fact of human life that almost each generation(some took a lead in areas at times) seems to sets a lower moral stage for the next (even though most politicians will deny this).

    I guess a block is a way they hope to silence people here of speaking what they don't want to hear. Some want to talk "at" you, their way is demanded, but never allow an exchange where you can answer or question back

    I guess that is something we can be "glad" than of- if it saves us time--if their not listening

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The Christians with weak faith do it all the time! Then carry on asking questions to atheists so they can block more!

    All it shows is their intolerance and inability to cope with people who dare believe differently to themselves!

    I find it highly amusing that Zora having lost an account and opened a new one immediately blocked me showing she has waved the white flag and retreated from a debate she has lost permanently because she cannot compete!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Dont know what your faith is and dont care. I think all faith is ignorant and dangerous, and im not the least bit afraid to tell you. In fact, a lot of theists here like to send me hatemail and then block me so I cant respond... cowards.

    The block feature is for the weak, plain and simple. If you do not use it, I commend you. But I suspect thats where that ends.

  • RB
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It doesn't bother me to be blocked other than not being able to answer a question. I think block would best be served for E Mail.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have had a number of believers block me because they hate my rationality. It doesn't cause me any pain, and I am in fact glad that my reason is a threat to their self absorbed fantasy world.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The only time I ever block somebody is if they block me first, and if they later unblock me, I unblock them.

    Nope, it doesn't annoy me in the slightest, 'cause it may be the one nugget of information they seek that they will miss.

  • IJAH
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    the only one that bothers me is one of My Brothers has me blocked. It hurts my feelings, cause he did not know about what happened to me on Y/A when i first joined, he doesn't know that i was being harrassed by supposed witnesses, here's a little trip down memory lane that perthaps he will read, he has answered this question you it is;_ylt=AoOXy...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't care most of the time. But it does piss me off when they send me a message then immediately block me so I can't respond.

  • I'm with you and I never block those who are just stupid. I only block the ones that are both stupid and apostate. Like that humanoid that calls himself or herself Bassist. I have not blocked him, or her because I don't know if he or she is apostate or just a liar.

  • CF
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It shows the truth hurts them; not everybody can face and accept the truth.

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