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LDS/Mormons: Does it make you sad when your prophet lies?

In 1969, Thomas S. Monson told a story of a friend named “Arthur Patton” and his sad widowed mother.

Here's a link to the entire story:

Thomas gives some very detailed info about Arthur in this talk.

He had blond, curly hair.

A smile as big as all outdoors.

Arthur stood taller than any boy in the class.

Enlisted in the Navy at the tender age of 15.

He wrote lots of letters to his mother.

Mrs. Patton, (his mother) was a cleaning woman for a downtown office.

Arthur was on the carrier USS Lexington, and was killed in the Battle of the Coral Sea when the Lexington sunk.

Big problem though: US Navy records showed that "Arthur Patton" was never assigned to the Lexington. The Lexington, though damaged in the battle of the Coral Sea, was not sunk then. And Arthur Patton was not killed in that battle. That battle was in 1942.

This talk was later reproduced in the 1991 Ensign, unchanged from the original.

Monson repeated this same "inspiring" talk again at General Conference in 2007:

38 years after he gave the original talk, the details had changed: Now, he says Arthur was assigned to the USS White Plains in 1944 (2 years after he "died" in the original story), and was killed in March 1944 when the White Plains was attacked while at Saipan.

More big problems, though: The White Plains' own battle reports show it didn't suffer any significant damage or casualties while at Saipan. And that Arthur Patton wasn't killed in any battle at Saipan -- he was declared “missing as result of own misconduct” (not dead) in July 1944, after the White Plains had already left Saipan. Oops.

Monson was fairly well known for being fast and loose with "facts" before he became president and "prophet." And this story is just another example of him not being very honest, it's just that this time he sort of got caught, and change details hoping nobody would notice (though he still didn't get them right).

Does it make you sad when your prophet lies?


"Mormons give more money to charity than any other group of people in the world..."

Only if you count the 10% required tithing they give to their church, almost none of which goes to "charity." If you take that away (as you should), they're below most other groups. oops.

Now, who's lying?

And I notice you didn't address the actual question...?

Update 2:

@phrog: "an honest mistake is far from a lie. "

How do you know it was an "honest mistake?" The fact is, you don't. You simply assumed that. And given that when he repeated the story in 2007, with significantly changed details, he never once mentioned, "Oh, you know what? When I first told this story in 1969, I remembered some details incorrectly, and I've fixed that now," suggests it wasn't an "honest mistake." Finally, even the 2007 version is false according to Navy records...perhaps because it he told the actual story, it wouldn't be nearly so "inspiring?"

Update 3:

"he got a couple of details what? you never got anything wrong in your life? "

Sure I have. But then, I've never claimed to be a "prophet" directly "inspired" by god. And when I discover I've gotten something wrong, I publicly correct it. Oops.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It made me sad when Paul H. Dunn's fabrications came out to the public. He was a very good speaker and I thought the world of him. I used to have an entire collection of his talks on cassette tapes. I didn't hate him though, I just wish he would have said from the beginning that his stories were not true. Thomas S. Monson should have learned from the Paul H. Dunn incident.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I don't want to mock this religion although they follow false prophets and mock every other religion in the world. I have an aunt that's this type. I tried to use as a scape goat to not have to go to the other fellowship. No didn't work. I was forgiven for my sins was all by Emersion and by my uncle. I won't go back.

  • 8 years ago

    Probably not a lie. Could be a mistake. Could be (and IMHO more likely is) a situation of NOT providing correct details in order to not violate someone else's privacy.

    He wasn't telling a story to get the facts right about some guy's life. He was telling a story to make a point - and that was done. It didn't matter what the name of the boat was or what color the kid's hair might have been. These are filler details that don't effect the point.

    You should stop spending your efforts on trying to prove the LDS wrong and find a better purpose for your life. Failing that, you should at the very least find a better source of information about the LDS than RFM or

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I have not got any doubt he lied approximately it by using fact the mormons have been already an unpopular team and he did not elect the church to be much greater socially unaccepted (or prosecuted via the regulation). i'm specific lots of his very own followers might have left the church had they hardship-unfastened approximately it, and it replaced into for his very own secure practices besides. Bravo-Alpha, in case you basically knew how completely cliche you sound. we're not frightened of threats of eternal punishment, and we don't elect to return back.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The only thing that makes me sad about this is the sad and pathetic attempt at trying to disprove my religion.

    You should know as much as I do that sometimes people who are recollecting a story they they don't get every detail right, especially the older one gets. Thomas S Monson isn't immune from forgetting something or remembering something a way it didn't happen. Is it lying if you tell the story how you remember it? I wouldn't think so. Lying is something deliberate usually.

    Seriously... I give this a 2/10 as an attempt to try to discredit him. This is just called being nit-picky, especially since this isn't a doctrine or something really important in the church. What's important is what we can take out of the story to improve ourselves, not the details.

  • Ammon
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Mormons give more money to charity than any other group of people in the world

    and no other group of people in the world is even in the same ballpark

    according to income tax returns.

    None of what you wrote changes that fact.

    None of what you wrote can change that fact.

    Latter Day Saints do not typically have venereal diseases.

    Can Anti-Mormons who never mention anything about the

    charity that Mormons give, can they say the same???

    Something to consider when you are sitting in the V.D. clinic waiting room

    waiting for your herpes medication that does not cure and your AZT.

    Was it is Mormons that gave you venereal diseases???

    Yet it is Mormons that you hate.

    If you had any rationality at all to you, you would direct your hate

    somewhere else, like to the person who gave you V.D. in the first place...

    that kind of person, not Mormons. Chat.

    God bless.

    Edit: The Problem with Anti-Mormons is they are all a bunch of parrots

    who parrot what other Anti-Mormons gibberish.

    You claim that the Lexington did not sink in the Battle At Corral Sea

    Wikipedia claims that you sir are a one hundred percent lying scumbag...

    This is why it is always important to check on the facts and

    never ever not in a billion times a billion years believe what some

    Anti-Mormon says online, or anywhere else for that matter.

    No Mormon should believe anything Anti-Mormons say (or write) ever

    certainly not without doing a great deal of research first.

  • phrog
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    an honest mistake is far from a lie.

    my father served in the south pacific in the navy on the USS baltimore. my own brother would swear up and down that dad was not on that boat but another...and my other brother would swear that dad was never even in WWII....why? because they can't remember that they have been shown the proof of that several times. they got the facts are they lying? nope. they just get it wrong. see dad was called back just prior to leaving port for his father's funeral and it caused some confusion in the telling of stories later....

    my uncle was in the army in france during WWII. while he was recovering in the hospital there the govt. sent my family a letter indicating that he was killed while serving in Germany with the navy. did they lie? nope they just got the information wrong.

    so he got a couple of the facts from someone else's life wrong. TSM wasn't with him in WWII. he didn't follow him through the war and record every detail of his doings. and it wasn't the point of things anyway.

    he got a couple of details what? you never got anything wrong in your life? there is a reason that Christ made that whole point about throwing the first stone.

    edit: and you don't know it's a lie - but you ASSUMED that. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that "arthur patton" wasn't really the small boy TSM was remembering either. I don't often "share" stories that are not mine and leave the details intact because I don't know that "mrs. patton" might not want me to tell her story.....

    you know what really DOES make me sad is that there are so many individuals that sit around trying to find something disparaging about someone else to try and "prove" something about a religion they profess not to believe in anyway....THAT makes me sad...that they have no more life to occupy themselves than to "worry" about what I believe.

    the LDS don't claim inerreant prophets. we know that prophets are MEN called by God to a job. He does not perfect them and they stand subject to the same failings and passions as any other human being on the planet...except for those few times when God uses them to speak.

    BTW - your fact checker fell asleep the Lexington was indeed sunk @the battle of the coral sea....the first carrier battle in history - 1942.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If YOU did it, or if someone they don't like did the same as Monson, they would rip them to shreds. And they know its true, too.

    The responses to this question are clearly a classic of how mormons must process things. They are literally TERRIFIED of facing facts that their prophet-pope is the same type of shyster as Smith. It's a nice story to them. Who cares if facts were skewed to elicit a false emotional response? That's as far as they dare go in their minds. Anything beyond that is.... reality. They can't handle reality and remain mormon because of the inevitable conflict.

    It's not an honest mistake that Mormons make when turning a blind eye to the glaring falsehoods of their false religion. It's quite deliberate.

  • Neerp
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'm with phrog. An honest mistake is far from a lie. You, sir, are straining at gnats, and not doing a very good job. What would you have us do, assume he lies every time he might have made a mistake? If you want to show that prophet lying, you are going to have to do better than this. This doesn't qualify for grasping at straws, it is such a weak argument.

  • 8 years ago

    Nope. because it is unlikely that he does.

    I'm w/the phrog on this one....I wouldn't leave the details of other people in my story correct either. you change the names to 'protect the [privacy of the] innocent'. it is ridiculous to think that something like this reflects on his standing as a prophet of God....a prophet is only a prophet when he is one. not every word that a prophet speaks comes from God and God doesn't inspire us to tell stories in detail....He inspires the message - which was that there is something after this life.

    and who the hell sits around and checks on this stupid stuff anyway....don't they have a life? why do they think it would matter? who cares whether or not the name in a story from 1969 is "right" or not. the story was told to make a point...that we have a Father in Heaven and that He is mindful of each of us. that there is something to look forward to besides death.

    people are stupid.

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