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Lv 6
Greth asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 8 years ago

I'm SO jealous of my brother, I can't stand it?

He's 24 (3 years younger than me) and is GREAT at meeting people - it just comes so effortlessly with him. Add to this that he has a VERY well toned body (he's been working at it for years), and I can't help but feel eclipsed by him. My ex girlfriend (we've been broken up for 3 years now, but the memory of this one still cuts deep) used to always say "I don't like a man to have too many muscles", then suddenly one afternoon said to me "you know, I'm starting to see the appeal to his body".

He pretty much had to drag me to a pool party today, which is not my scene at all, but I went anyway. Sure enough, within seconds, he had a rapport going with our waitress, who was flirting with him SO much...and he also asked one of the other waiters to "send us some women", and when 4 showed up, he instantly got chatting to all of them. I, on the other hand, struggled to maintain a conversation at all.

He keeps telling me that I need to maximise on what I can offer people, particularly with women, but from the way I see it, he has what most women want - confidence and a good body. I, on the other hand stutter, have VERY low self-esteem and the only thing I can really do that he can't is sing (classical training for years - but when has classical every been sexy? It's normally rock that women like).

He is still single, but that's because he is playing (I hate to call him a player, but that's what he is). He has NO shortage of options, should he want them. There IS a girl I know who has made it clear she likes me, and I really like her, but what is stopping me from pursuing things is that I don't feel I can offer her much, compared to my brother (and I'm scared she will also soon see his "merits" as opposed to mine - not that I have many, I don't think).

I hate feeling like this, because it's not HIS fault. He doesn't deserve my jealousy, but I REALLY feel like no matter what I do - I could work out and get a good body too, in fact, I AM - I will always be invisible next to him. I feel like telling this girl to look at my brother instead. She really is incredible, and I want her to be with someone who is in her league. Can anyone help?


Esuri...I wish that were true, but if I can't even hold a simple conversation, as I didn't seem to be able to at all, how CAN I build that "true relationship of trust and respect"? My brother even has the advantage there.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    I'm a female but I can relate very well to what you are talking about and I do understand how you feel very well. I'm sure you feel so many emotions...sadness, worthlessness, unimportant, etc. You probably ask yourself how and why couldn't you have been born with the same genetics. I have struggled with those same feelings and still do many times. From reading your post its obvious that you think your brother is pretty close to perfect in almost every way. He may be nice looking and in good shape but from what I can tell from your post is that it sounds as though your brother is pretty arrogant, selfish and disrespectful to women. Looks and body image WILL fade in time...thats a promise and a natural part of the aging process. It sounds as though you are a very sensitive person who cares about and respects others. The women might find your brother attractive but you are the one they can have a genuine relationship with built on respect and trust. You are so insecure about yourself that you assume everyone else sees you the same way that you see you and that isn't true. If thus girl likes you then she likes you for you. She not only finds you physically attractive but she sees your true heart and that's way more important to a woman than a super hot body. You need to stop seeing yourself in such a negative light and start reminding yourself of the good qualities that you have.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Aww! You are soo sweet! Not all girls like big and buff. Don't worry because I know somewhere, there is a girl that loves you for being so sweet, and not your brother just being he is good looking and confident. I bet other guys would be jealous of him too. Let the girl meet your brother, if she still likes you more, which I'm sure because you are so sweet, then you know that you are not always invisible next to your brother. If she really likes you, then she shouldnt care what league you're in compared to her.

  • 8 years ago

    First, I believe that you need to rediscover who you are and what value you have. No matter what, you have value and your presence adds because you are alive. Physically, your body adds to a room because you are one human being. When you walk into a room, you add yourself to that room and therefore it is always a positive encounter. Second, lack of self-confidence stems from comparing yourself to another, in this case your brother. However, realize that the only wrong way to live is to be dead, because one is not amongst the living when they are dead. In other words, if you are still alive than you are living the right way: YOUR WAY. Every individual person must discover their own way of living, and therefore there is no correct way to live. So, to summarize, if you have air in your lungs right now, and still have a pulse, you are living the right way intended for you.

    Now also realize that your behavior is a choice. You choose to be awkward when first meeting girls because you are worried about what they think of you; that they are judging you behind those eyes. Stop worrying. A woman is a person, an individual thinking self, just as you are and just as every person is. Therefore, a woman makes the choice on her own whether or not she will stay longer to pursue your company and get to know you better, or simply walk away. All you can control is yourself. If you prepare yourself, and do everything you know you can to make yourself the best you can be, because she is an individual thinking self she can still choose to walk away. BUT at least you know you did everything you could to try and keep her company. And, if she walks away it isn't meant to be and there is nothing wrong with that. No matter what you do there will be people who like it, hate it, or be indifferent to it, but you are incapable of every being able to fully control what other people are thinking because they are all individual thinking selves. If this is the case, wouldn't you rather do the things that make you happy and comfortable in the presence of other people? The ones who are similar to you will approach you, and the ones that aren't will walk away.

    The most important thing to remember is to make an impression at all. Just talk to the person. If you do not interact with a person, than you do not impact them. Being the fly on the wall and only observing has its perks, but the consequence of this is that you develop no relationships with anyone around you. And the best way to get to know someone: just keep asking them questions and really engage with what they're saying. Listen. React. Add to the conversation. Ask more questions. DO NOT KEEP AN EXPECTATION IN YOUR HEAD. The universe we live in and everything we know is based on collision; if you say "Hi!" to 10 girls on the street, at least one will say "Hi!" back to you. If you genuinely listen to a girls speak for 15 minutes, and really get to know them, eventually at least one will want to get to know you better and spend more time with you.

    Find your value. You have it, but only you can determine what it is. Remember: a single person is capable of being great at many things. Allow yourself to be successful.

  • 8 years ago

    Bimbos and shallow girls fall for muscles and suntans, but serious girls prefer people with more about them - not least a musical ability (knowledge, etc.). They don't mind shy, but not very low self respect usually.

    You may need to consider the girl you mention in the light the concept of respect. In other words, if you don't respect her opinions (about you, for example), she won't feel appreciated. How can you expect anyone to respect you if you don't even respect yourself? Learn to take more of an interest in her, rather than thinking of yourself so much.

    Buy yourself an Anthony Robbins audio or book; catch him on Youtube.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Greth, don't stop persuing that girl, quick chase her down before she gets away. Don't compare yourself to your brother, just take care of yourself.

  • 8 years ago

    Get a life.

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