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Lv 7
Judy asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 8 years ago

Quickbooks vs. Quicken?

What advantages does QB offer over Quicken for categorizing, summarizing and reporting checking account transactions? How well does QB handle payroll and all tax calculations/tracking/reporting for federal, state and local taxes, including unemployment reporting and payments, for a small non-profit with only a few employees, compared to using a service like Paychex? We have been using Quicken. It's being recommended to us that we move to QB, but by someone who is very familiar with QB but not with Quicken. I have no need for things like billing and invoicing.

Thanks for any info you can give me

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Intuit designed Quicken Home and Business for sole proprietors or owner operators of small businesses. This basic business software package is not compatible with businesses that have multiple employees and require a software application with full payroll capacity. Quicken Home and Business also allows you to manage both your personal and business financial separately records with a single software application. Quicken is more effective than QuickBooks at managing your personal investments and finances. Additionally, Quicken is a simpler program to learn and use than QuickBook

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Quickbooks Vs Quicken

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Quickbooks vs. Quicken?

    What advantages does QB offer over Quicken for categorizing, summarizing and reporting checking account transactions? How well does QB handle payroll and all tax calculations/tracking/reporting for federal, state and local taxes, including unemployment reporting and payments, for a small...

    Source(s): quickbooks quicken:
  • 8 years ago

    Quicken designated for personal use; QuickBooks is for business.

    I have been using QuickBooks for a small business, but have not used the functions you are listing. I think payroll is simply too complex to be handled by an individual. Tax laws have too many changes to keep up with. I think you better off hiring a company specialized to do that. I have not heard good things about Paychecks. Perhaps another provider would do a better job.

    My advise is to download QuickBooks on a 30 day trial and see how you like it. Your other option is Peachtree.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    you are so weird!!!! how dare u be so rude on my heart felt post and think thats ok. youre obviously weird and lonely. **** you

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago


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