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Is Elissa going to be America's Choice for the third nominee?

The past three weeks, the on-line voters got to pick an MVP who made the third nomination. Being Rachel's sister gave Elissa an edge in terms of a ready-made fan base with the rest of the votes likely to be spread randomly among the other contestants. With 14-16 contestants in the running for MVP, finishing first only takes a low percentage (the average percentage would be around 7%).

Now America is voting for the third nominee, not the MVP. Just as Rachel's fans gave Elissa an advantage for MVP, viewers who hate Rachel will put Elissa at a disadvantage this week. Even if Rachel's fans unite in voting for one of the "mean girls" (Aaryn, Gina Marie, and Kaitlyn), two of those three are likely to be placed on the block by Judd, leaving only a one in three chance that Rachel's fans will have correctly identified whom they needed to vote for (maybe one in two if you assume that Aaryn is certain to be one of the two that Judd nominates).


Think some folks are missing the problem that the Brenchel block has. The voting for the third nominee was last night. Judd will name his two nominees tomorrow. If America's top choice for the third nominee is one of the folks that Judd names, the producers move to the next person on the list.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No it won't be Elissa. Most likely it will be Aaryn, feed watchers and broadcast viewers from the TV show hate her. This was producers way of getting Aaryn out.

    Elissa is a fan favorite.

    Judd is going to nominate Kaitlyn and GM i think then Aaryn will go up as America's MVP nominee. If Aaryn is nominated then it would be either Kaitlyn or GM.

    Unless Rachel and Brendon , and Elissa fans mess up thinking they are voting who the MVP is she won't be going up and producers will make sure she doesn't.

  • 8 years ago

    Its going to Aaryn or Gina Marie

    Elissa fans all will vote for the same person

  • 8 years ago

    Did you watch the show last night?

    Julie said that this week MVP is the audience, they are voting for the 3rd nominee

    I would think it is funny, people did not realize they are voting for the person going up and vote for Elissa

  • Lydia
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I think that a lot of people are going to be confused and will vote for MVP instead of the 3rd nominee. We shall see.

  • 8 years ago

    Good question. Aaryn needs to go because she is a mean spirited vampire who sucks the fun out of everything .

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