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? asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 8 years ago

Best and Worst Movies of 2013...anyone?

Post what you think has best and what you think is worst. I posted this awhile back and I was hoping more people would respond this time because I would like to see more movies. Include any you want, blockbuster or obscure, horror or comedy, etc. or etc.

There is also a list of my Bestavorite Movie and Least Favorite Movies.

Bestavorite Movies (In No Particular Order):


Pacific Rim

Before Midnight

The Croods

Pussy Riot: A Punk's Prayer

Star Trek:Into Darkness (up until the last fifteen minutes)

This Is the End


Scary Movie V

A Haunted House

The Host

Dark Skies

The Last Stand

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i totally LOVE before midnight and the whole before series. i'll stop now before i rant about how great they are as art and film...

    i thought despicable me 2 was funny too! very cute and i felt like it was a throw back to old bugs bunny cartoons.

    the worst for me was movie 43 and the hang over 3. wont ever get that time back :(

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I just watched a movie called Grown ups 3, I found it hilarious! I had a smile on my face the whole damn movie. In my opinion that was the best.

    I honestly Hated scary movie V, it was just bad. Not really a story line in that movie

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