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? asked in HealthWomen's Health · 8 years ago

extremely light/brown period?

so i was 16 days late. i took 2 pregnancy(one day before yesterday and one yesterday in the morning) tests and both turned out negative. yesterday evening i got my period but it was darker(brownish) then usual. its also really, really light. i usually have light periods but its too much. my question is: can it be considered like a period? because im going to the Black Sea in 3 days and i really don't want it to be ruined. my periods last for four days and if it could be counted as actual period i would be very, very happy. has this happened to you?

being late is like normal thing to me(i was under lots of stress) . my mom was the same way .my doctor told me that there is nothing wrong with me and my hormones work just fine.

so my question is: can i count it like my period and stop worrying about my vacation? please help :(


im 21 years old

Update 2:

and im not on birth control. i havent gained or lost any weight. i dont have any cramps and probably the reason my period was so late is stress

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago

    Yes have fun!!

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