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Christians: Do you fire people from jobs because they attend the *wrong* Christian church?

These people do:

"As reported by the Montgomery Advertiser, Prattville (Ala.) East Memorial Christian Academy super coach Scott Phillips, who led the school’s football program to its first state playoff berth in years and coached the boys basketball team to the first state title in any sport, was dismissed because he refused to force his family to attend East Memorial Baptist Church."


@yamnnjr: "However, if that school is actually run by the specific church, and is guaranteed to be staffed my active members of that church, which would be a very feasible requirement for those who want to ensure their children are being taught proper doctrine, then it would make perfect sense why they let him go..."

Did you not read the article? The coach clearly stated there was no such requirement in his contract, nor had any such requirement ever been verbally expressed to him.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had a short term job for a few months where I pretended to be Catholic. Most of the religious are very intolerant.

  • 8 years ago

    No, and unless liberal news is willing to give the full story in an unbiased fashion, we cannot appropriately answer your question as to plausible reasons why.

    First of all, no, this is not typical at all. However, if that school is actually run by the specific church, and is guaranteed to be staffed my active members of that church, which would be a very feasible requirement for those who want to ensure their children are being taught proper doctrine, then it would make perfect sense why they let him go, because they can't make that guarantee to parents if they start allowing people from other churches to teach there.

    However, typically, Christian private schools will hire Christians, not just from one church. If the particular Baptist church did not own and run that school, then yeah, the official firing him was wrong because going to that one church should not be required, only that an instructor be a faithful child of God and servant of Christ committed to a doctrine that lines up with whatever the School's charter requires.

    If the latter is the issue, then I would say that some Baptist churches can be a bit legalistic, and due to that, they can be a bit restrictive about things that seem rather ludicrous.

    However, this article does not specify certain details, so it is impossible to give you a fully adequate answer because obviously it's a liberal article trying to paint a blemish on Christianity as a whole and thus has no interest in presenting the unbiased truth, giving every potential side their benefit of the doubt and a fair say.

    Leftist news is biased not as much by what they say as by what they omit. One thing liberals never seem to get is that when one side is obviously the enemy, that's a red flag to wonder what they aren't telling you regarding the view of the other side.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There are all sorts of churches which have compromised their Salvation by breaking the fundamental Commandment of Jesus:



    . MATTHEW 6:24.


    24. "No man can serve two masters:

    for either he will hate the one and love the other;

    or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.

    Ye cannot serve God and mammon."



    (I must commend you for describing what is behind your link, without forcing us to go there to find out.

    I think that it is abusive not to do so.)



    The entire school has compromised their Salvation by their action. The coach may be as unrighteous as any of them, because he broke The Law of Moses and The Commandments of Jesus:



    . MATTHEW 5:16-20.



    When Abraham confronted the king of Sodom, he refused to accept so much as a shoelatchet from him, lest it be said that the king of Sodom contributed to his success in life.



    . GENESIS 14:8-24.



    This is a convoluted situation with sin on all sides: the school teaches Christians Atheistic Arts and Sciences- this would be analogous to the Ephesian converts teaching Jesus' Church everything they knew, instead of making a bonfire of all of their textbooks and laboratory equipment:



    . ACTS 19:11-20.



    If Christians studied The Bible with anywhere near the same diligence with which they study secular Arts, Science, and Technology, they would have rendered them all completely redundant.



    The Baptist Church in particular, is known for EXPELLING Christians who manifest Biblical powers and Miraculous Experiences.



    This would be analogous to a Science School expelling pupils for, say, Duplicating Michael Faraday's Electromagnetism Experiments, or Louis Pasteur's Penicillin Discovery. (This is not a spurious analogy: in my country, this could almost happen!)



    Even if the coach was as Hypocrite as any of them, according to Jesus' Teachings, it was HIMSELF they were expelling from their school, NOT A LITTLE MAN.



    . MATTHEW 25:31-46.



    EVERYONE in THAT School is FINISHED as a Christian!



    . EXODUS 23:1-9.



    There is totally NO WAY for these people to clamber out of this BLACK HOLE they have all dived into.

    It would be like The Titanic ignoring what it did TO ITSELF on the iceberg, and sailing majestically on.



    . 1st JOHN 2:3-11.



    The PURPOSE of such institutions IS to DESTROY Junior Christian Souls, so that they can NEVER know Jesus:



    . JOHN 8:31-32.

    . JOHN 14:4-27.



    This has flawed all of the supposed Christians in that institution, barring an extraordinary miracle, for life.



    There is a Deeper Game involved here than the immediately obvious. The Board of Directors of School and Church is doing this deliberately, for the reasons I have mentioned, and it will affect every Christian who supports this wicked Judgment, just like those Christians who support Peter's Judgment of Ananias & Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) are affected.



    There is no way that any one like that can know Jesus. This is why they cannot experience nor yield Biblical Miracles of their own, beyond rudimentary Synchronicity and Serendipity (which are the least of Spiritual Powers, and quite legitimate- though mere "crumbs.").



    They should never make the connection for all of their lives.



    . LUKE 6:39-49.



    It is emotional loading to say that the coach "refused to force his family" to attend this Christless Christian Church, but that would technically be the case.



    Which Church the coach's family did attend would be important. As a Full-Gospel Pentecostal, were I to be so foolish as to attend a Baptist Church, I would probably wither up and die, unless I specifically resisted the Lies and Unbelief that would be fired into my soul like bullets.



    The family were probably Full Gospel.

    If they were Jehovah's Witlesses (sic), he should never have gotten the job in the first place.



    I cannot think of any other Protestant Church they might have belonged to, that attending another Godless Church just occasionally, would have been an issue. (It would have to be one that did not respect Southern Baptists.)



    An old CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPAEDIA stated that 44% of Southern Baptists were Freemasons.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    This is not a normal situation. I don't know if I agree with their policies but it is their right as a church to require whatever they think is good for the job. It's their money. People get fired for talking about God in the work place. How is that not the same?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Pentecostal/Apostolics don't do things like that. We would never lower someone because we felt they believed wrong or because they don't go to church at all. That would be pure unchristian like

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    no we never do

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