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michael971 asked in SportsBaseball · 8 years ago

Baseball: Highest tie score after nine innings?

I couldn't find it. Does anyone know?

Which teams, date, and final score

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not certain of this, but games in which BOTH teams score more than 20 runs are pretty rare (there's only been two in the past 100 seasons) -- curiously, they both were between the Cubs and Phillies -- and the second one needed ten innings to settle the matter.

    17-May-1979, Phillies 23 - @Cubs 22, ten innings. Tied at 22-22 after the regulation nine, and with two out in the top of the tenth, HOF Mike Schmidt took HOF Bruce Sutter out of Wrigley to score the day's final run. Box:

    If there was a higher tied score after nine, it is buried very deeply in history.

  • 8 years ago

    its probably really high

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