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13 hours untill the start of the Premier League?

How excited are you?

BQ: predict the score for your team's first match

Chelsea 3-1 Hull


Also, 1. who will be the standout player in your team and 2. most surprising (underrated)

1. Mata/Hazard and 2. Van Ginkel/De Bruyne

Update 2:

@United Fan: I rate De Gea very very highly IMO best GK in Premier League ATM at 22!!! And best young GK too. Maybe if Courtois proves himself in the prem, then he'll be the best young GK. But so far, De Gea has impressed me a lot. I say Courtois because they both played for Atletico and I think with the season he had there, he could take the title if he proves himself in the BPL in the next 3-4 years.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm so excited, I've been waiting for this since may lol

    Swansea 2-3 Manchester United (Michu and Dyer, Van Persie 3)

    1. Van Persie and De Gea

    2. Evra (people say he's past his best but I still rate him highly, he's not the best left back in the prem but he definitely in the top 5, maybe even top 3.

    edit: I agree. De Gea is a brilliant keeper as is courtois, in a few years they will both be the best 2 keepers in to world IMO. I like fans like you because your unbiased and you can admit when a rival team has a good player.

  • 8 years ago

    A little bit ;)

    BQ: Liverpool 2-0 Stoke


    2. Jordan Ibe

  • 8 years ago

    Arsenal for the win (against Villa) COYG

    I'm going to say, 3-1 to the Gunners

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Can't wait, been in withdrawal for weeks :D

    BQ: West Brom 2-2 Southampton

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Getting pumped up already...

    Chelsea 3-0

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    2-1 utd

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