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If the Abrahamic God created all this...?

why did it take so long for his true story to come to light and so many other stories were taught and learned about the world before Moses and the Hebrews brought it to light in Genesis? After all, there are many other gods being written about before, and none mention anything like this God?


@Fallen Fig: And the original stories never varied over all that time, and even though writing existed, it was never written down?

Update 2:

@Fallen Fig: And the original stories never varied over all that time, and even though writing existed, it was never written down?

Update 3:

Sorry for the repeats, YA is acting up again...

Update 4:

@Ummmm: That's the point... how do you know there is this particular God to start with and what he did or didn't do?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You premising the knowledge coming only from Moses and recorded history. But if you are presuming that Creator God is the true God, then you have to go back to creation to answer your question. It says that God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden each evening, conversing about all things and all things expected. This would have been passed on to every one of their children, as was all history and knowledge passed on before someone began to chronicle a written record. Moses was hardly the first to know what came before him.

    Books may be written but often the most accurate history is learned by those who lived through it rather than reading about the perceptions in some book written after the fact. This is true even today as many history books are re-edited in time and often what is taught in schools is not accurate according to those who lived it, hence the saying that history is written by the winner! If you want to know what really happened in many things, sit with your elders and learn the truth rather than the propaganda edited into some history books.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The first parts of Genesis, from the tale of Creation through the tales of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, the Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Wars of the Kings in which Abraham was involved -- are all based on earlier Sumerian records.

    The origin of the Biblical seven days of creation is almost certainly the seven tablets on which the Enuma Elish was written. This is evident from the contrast between the first six Babylonian tablets describing Marduk’s acts of creation and the seventh tablet which is dedicated to a general exaltation of the god (and thus a parallel to the Biblical seventh day when God rested).

  • 8 years ago

    All the beliefs of the Abrahamic faiths were penned down as facts in Genesis.A detailed study over the centuries has revealed that the book of Genesis is a collection of myths,legends and allegories.Do you even know that the book of Exodus was written before the book of Genesis?Biblical experts has discovered this facts and their findings clearly proved that the Abrahamic God is just a racial God.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The flaw in your argument is assuming it "began" with Moses. Look into what's called the "tablet theory" - Moses didn't write Genesis, he only compiled it from existing writings from his ancestors.

  • 8 years ago

    The Abrahamic nations utilized the verbal record, oral tradition, passing the Bible's stories down from one generation to the next.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Things were passed down through oral tradition and not written for a very long time.

    I believe my God wouldn't change to happen in the book

  • 8 years ago

    Apparently that was because Satan went back in time to plant these false stories to trick people into doubting.

  • 8 years ago


    Interesting Question Brother.

    Well I can say that. All came with the same message but unfortunately People understood them and once they are gone people again fell into the same idol worship and all other kind of stuff..

    And ultimately God has to punish them. That you can see Saleh, Lot, Noah etc.,

    Final revelation is the Quran which cannot be changed until the dooms day.

    God knows the best:-)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Dude, the Bible is nothing but fairy tales. No intelligent person takes it seriously.

  • 8 years ago

    people at the first knew god created everything

    as it says the whole world became evil and they created their own god's and stories

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