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This guy is busy poluting my lovely 'ex' home village with his hatred and bile. Does the UK government?

never learn from its mistakes? Kuwait thought he was dangerous, yet the Uk has welcomed him and tied people's hands over stopping him.

What say you all?


I thought I had added this point already but it hasn't showed.

I have no problem with he (as a Muslim) or his friends, living in Fulmer and best of luck to him trying to get permission to open any shops there.....

My problem lies with the government allowing people like him into the country in the first place . Followed on by allowing him to preach his brand of vicious hatred and bile.

Even the trees are going to start weeping when they hear his bastardised version of the truth.

UK , well the world come to that, doesn't need imported zealots. We have enough of our own.

Plus : To 50 shaves. I know. My hands type faster than my brain can think !!!! have to stop watching the news as I type. Or could be middle aged Dyslexia setting in.....

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Another extremist flees to this Country, is allowed to stay then is permitted to spew forth his vile opinions and skewed rhetoric. I am just appalled as to why this was allowed to happen!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Same answer as LEE! When your old village is turned into a no go area for locals, the property starts to go down hill because of neglect, your shops just cater for the new arrivals then people will find out what we have to put up with on a daily basis. They will then realise that they attitude of 'muslims are not a problem' is false and that everyone who opposes them are not bigoted and islamphobic.

    The village is now facing being turned into an islamic one as this man wants, so they should act now and act fast before it is too late!

  • 8 years ago

    I live in rural England, and we have this saying "One in every village", whether they be gays, amateur rapists, or loonies. It is nothing new, and was indeed very much part of "idyllic" village life in rural England as recently as two centuries ago.

    Throughout the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church were establishing religious communities in the form of villages, with their own place of worship, farms, manor houses and all facilities to enable the dissemination of Catholic Christianity throughout the land. These were abolished by King Henry VIII, miffed by the Pope's refusal to allow him to divorce his middle-aged Spanish wife and marry a floozy. He took over the churces himself, and much of the massive wealth of the Catholic communities was privatised in his direction and that of his cronies. That Catholic Church and the English establishment were then at war with each other for nearly 300 years. Only in 1829 did it cease to be a criminal offence to hold Catholic Mass in England.

    Today, there are religious communities scattered around the kingdom, and this fellow's Shi-ite Muslim version is only a variation of a time worn theme. Most village folk would give it as much thought as they would if David Icke set up a Turquoise People ashram in the village. It is a pity our loony bins are derelict awaiting demolition, since they are a splendid reminder that we are not all perfect, but in a civilised nation, a place can be found for everybody.

    What they, and indeed all eccentrics, have to grasp is that common secular law applies everywhere in England, and not just outside the drawbridges of their castles. Incitement to murder your neighbour or to undermine the reputation of the nation is an offence, and a splendid sentence were he to be found guilty would be simply to confiscate his baronial pile with a Compulsory Purchase Order. If he has any sense, he would behave while he was here in our villages, and I am sure he will do that, despite nipping off to London to mouth off against the Sunnis when the mood takes him.

    It is a different matter whether it was wise to give him a visa in the first place, considering the British Government routinely denies visas to genuine foreign wives, fiancees and girlfriends (and those of people whose ancestors have been here for many centuries) on the grounds that their British husbands are not earning enough.

    Maybe we should consider why we cannot patrol our borders as well as the Australians do, with a fraction of the population and a country the size of Europe?

    Maybe we elect governments whose over-riding priority is to cut Income Tax, so that rich Muslims, along with Russian oligarchs and similar gangsters are encouraged to bring in their wealth by buying up our villages as they bought up our means of production, and enable us to keep spending a while longer in the shopping malls?

    Are we in any position to throw the first stone?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Oh dear the Shires are going to find out exactly what people in inner cities have to contend with. Once one moves in the rest will follow as their aim is to make it a muslim village! Never mind, kebab shops, mobile phone repair shops and open 24/7 shops will spring up like mushrooms ruining what was a nice village. Just like every high street really.

    I really do not know why he was granted asylum here, surely he could have gone to another muslim country to spout his hatred against another muslim sect. If he was a member of the EDL or BNP doing what he is doing, he would have been arrested so quick his feet wouldn't touch the ground!

  • 8 years ago

    Same answer as LEE and Angelina,this is what needs to happen.Lovely,quaint middle England to feel the full force of multiculturalism.

    When the the White flight meets the same coming the other way then maybe people will be willing to make a stand.

    Now you know how it feels for an otherwise ordinary,decent,hardworking citizen being called a racist for being concerned at seeing their beautiful Country being turned into a third world slum.

    If some body put a brick through his window and generally tried to force him out would you be disgusted at that?

    Unless that happens your lovely little village is going to turn into a cesspit real soon.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    OH MY GOD Not another one! what is wrong with this immigration office for continuing to allow these Hate Clerics into the country in the first place KICK THEM ALL OUT Ick all Muslims out !! They are all war mongers. EDIT:

    Corny we have no free speech only immigrants do!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Here we go again, moan, moan, moan and you English do fck all about it. You are your own worst enemy allowing scum like that to slowly but surely take over. Instead of going into print why are you not out there demonstrating about this kind of thing? If that cretin was in Scotland his house would have been burnt down by now. Why are you not blocking areas around Westminster until MPs are forced to do something about the Muslim agitators? I've got no sympathy for you, you are allowing it to happen and you are sh!t scared of being labelled racist.

    I see the T/D are appearing - some people don't like the truth, eh.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    No it doesn't but then again its not in their back yard its in yours or your ex's, so why should they care what you think, if we are prepared to carry voting for the same old status quo, then they're quite prepared to carry on providing it for us, which as you've noticed is something they are very good at.

  • That is the problem with free speech I am afraid, it applies to all. But I do think we need to tighten the law on hate speech in order to stop this from happening.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I know I shouldn't giggle, but looked at the Mailonline comments, and saw this sweetie from 'IN-A-WORLD-OF-MY-OWN', TENERIFE, The last resort, Spain, which read 'CAN I HAVE THE POSTCODE PLEASE'.

    And I wonder if Mr. Tenerife is one of many Brits who - well...for one can only say 'café con leche', has his Sky dish, and lives in a 'Little council estate' where the only 'foreigners' who can squeeze into their sweaty part of the world without fear are mosquitos?

    And indeed has all the benefits - which he will argue he has 'earned'?

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