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michael971 asked in SportsBaseball · 8 years ago

Will Jacoby Ellsbury be ready for the MLB playoffs.?

I did some research on a medical website which said that the recovery time for that type of injury is six to eight weeks. Can he really play outfield or run/steal bases if his foot is less than 90% healed?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    no they are saying that because they are desperate to win and they don't care what happens to his foot long-term, he's a to-be free agent. Ellsbury should sit out until he's near-100% else he'd be risking his future.

    Red Sox are self-interested just like any organization, just like the world. Hopefully he heals fast but there is no guarantee. he should be in a boot for more than 5 days, more like 2-4 weeks at least. He should be eating Cheetos at home with his foot up.

    Bryce Harpers knee and hip is screwed!

  • 8 years ago

    Yes he will be ready. For some reason athletes have a better recovery time with fractures or surgery than us regular folk. A compound or stress fracture would put us out 6-8 weeks but athletes usually cut the time in he will be ready!

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