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How do atheists explain this one?

Last August (2013) atheists were all up at arms condemning Amish parents who wanted to opt out of Chemotherapy and were sued to force their 10 year old daughter to receive treatment... Here parents left the country and did as they wished...

Their daughter is now free of cancer! The Hospital is actively backing away from the case.

Looks like the parents were right after all!


That's what I thought!

Update 2:

I am not saying it has any impact on the existence or non-existence of God or anything kind of miracle happened.....I do advocate health care freedom of choice!

I just recall atheist jumped all over the original story condemning the parents and anybody who agreed with them.

As a Cancer patient I know that mental attitude has a major influence on outcomes - forcing treatment would likely have more of a negative influence than a positive influence for that reason.

I am not really interested in your opinions about my source. Atheism is a culture of denial and deny any source that makes a claim they don't agree with, even prominent scientific journals.

Update 3:

The Tooth Hurts: No snipe, My response to the original question was: It's not the states business regardless of one's religion.. For which I was attacked, ridiculed and I believe about 12 thumbs down. When I noticed this story I figured I would post the outcome!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    At first I respected you for correcting me on a few things, but you pretty much reduced yourself to sad jabs at the other side that aren't really even decisive of anything.

    Therefore we should allow all parents to not have to take their children to treatment if they don't want to? Or are you smart enough to understand that this is either a mistake on the hospital's part or a simple case of cancer being stopped before it got too serious?

    As I have said, luck brings misfortune to those who think it's the status quo...

  • 8 years ago

    Really? Besides this propaganda rag you quoted, would you care to cite an actual, credible source which shows that the daughter has been seeking testing and that those tests show a spontaneous remission?

    I've seen spontaneous remissions, as well. In Hindus and Muslims, and most personally, in my own Wiccan community. I guess maybe my gods are as good as yours is at curing cancer, huh?

  • 8 years ago


    If you think it's evidence of an invisible sky wizard, bring that evidence to court and see how you go.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    She had previously had treatment, it must have been enough.

    Nice to see that you agree with me.

  • Ishtar
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That's not exactly what I'd call a reputable source ...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It just goes to show that atheism is a belief in the unproven ideology of materialism

    ridicule, emotional abuse, intimidation and manipulative behaviour is all that atheism has left

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