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Gilson 476A Snowblower Spring Kit?

Recently picked up an old Gilson 476A snowblower. Has an 8HP Briggs and Stratton engine. Looking for the spring which ties the belt idler pulleys together. Spring is approximately 6"-7" long. Having quite the difficult time finding parts for this old machine.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are plenty of auto parts stores that sell springs. They're not expensive so you can pick up a couple and see what fits best both in size and in weight.

    Idler pulleys are merely meant to take up slack so that the pulling side of the pulley is under tension, and will drive the driven gear.

    OR you can look around on Craig's List (never done that myself, I have and see if someone has an old machine they no longer want in your area. Go ahead and pick it up. There may be usable parts on it that can be modified to fit your machine. Then the rest can be brought to a metal recycling center where you'll get a few bucks for it.

    I scrap out old machines all the time. I kept a few items for "Just In Case" moments. A friend has a roto-tiller that had a broken handle. He asked me to weld it for him. No problem. But his idler pulley was just about shot to death. Turned out I had just the right size idler laying in my parts bin that would bolt right in. He was a very happy camper.

    Look around. Even an old dish washer door spring MIGHT be close enough to work for you. I even have a few hanging around. Y'never know.

    Hope this helps.


    Cold today? Duluth MN. Not bad here in UT but expecting colder weather tomorrow. But not like your cold snap. Whew!

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