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Bella asked in Entertainment & MusicRadio · 8 years ago

Kyle and Jackie O podcasts?

Kyle and Jackie are moving to Mix 106.5 next year and their final show with Today FM was this week. I attempted to download this week's podcast of their show (from Friday 22nd November to Friday 29th November) only to find that they have been deleted by 2Day FM. Does anyone know if these podcast can be downloaded anywhere? Any help much appreciated!


Many thanks Kramnnim. I would definitely be keen on Wednesday's and Thursday's episodes and I have a few leads on how to get the others. I will let you know the outcome!

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think I have Wednesday's and Thursday's podcasts if you need them. Would love to hear the final show if you find it...maybe someone like Tim/Velma could help, we could try tweeting at him...

    Edit- Someone on Twitter recorded and uploaded the last show, see @finalKJshow or go here-

    Edit #2- I uploaded the Wednesday/Thursday shows here-

    Let me know if they don't work and I'll try something else.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Firstly 2Day FM have not (at least publicly) suspended the show - Kyle has "taken a break" which is why the show is not currently on. Secondly, the segment is tasteless and morally wrong. The radio station must take responsibility for allowing an underage child participate - this should not have happened. The hosts and producers should not have allowed this at all. Thirdly, they didn't do their homework - talking to both the child and the parent would have uncovered this before it went to air. Fourthly, they should have had both a delay (which would have prevented it airing) and stopped it a whole lot earlier. Yes, the mother is copping flack too - yes she's a crap parent. But the reason the whole world knows about this is that it was allowed to be on air - that's where the radio station, the producers and the hosts MUST take responsibility. I hope that the radio station realise that this whole incident has highlighted the bad behaviour and tastelessness of the show and axe it quickly.

  • 6 years ago

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    Kyle and Jackie O podcasts?

    Kyle and Jackie are moving to Mix 106.5 next year and their final show with Today FM was this week. I attempted to download this week's podcast of their show (from Friday 22nd November to Friday 29th November) only to find that they have been deleted by 2Day FM. Does anyone know if these...

    Source(s): kyle jackie podcasts:
  • 8 years ago

    Hi, I had already downloaded Thursday and thought I Had Friday also. When I finished listeningt I Wednesday's show I then found the apple podcast app told me the Thursday show was now "temporarily unavailable" despite already being downloaded, and I cannot download Friday at all :(. Thanks kramnnim for the links, I think the Thursday one works, though the final show one doesn't - it has an announcement from podomatic that their bandwidth limitation for that file has been exceeded. Can you also upload that show to the same place as your weds/Thursday pleeeease? Thanks for your help!!

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