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Atheists: We know what you don't believe! What do you believe?


Fitz: Well since this category is "Religion and spirituality" why don't we just limit this question to those things that fall within that topic!

Update 2:

Spam Mohan: And that relates to "Religion and Spirituality" how - do you believe a cold is caused by spirits?

Update 3:

Sarah Louise: Thank you, I have three dogs, all three rescue dogs!

Update 4:

Mag-Submission: Thank you. but I do prefer answers from atheists... It occurred to me that atheism is a meaningless title that essentially says nothing... I don't believe in a lot of things but I don't identify or define myself by what I don't believe, I identify and define myself by what I do believe. In pondering I wondered, are atheist just very shallow people who have no defining beliefs? Perhaps they are insecure and afraid put their beliefs out there and subject to the same scrutiny they put other to other peoples beliefs... Not sure what I think on this yet. But I can say Believers apparently have much more courage than most Athiests in that they are willing to put their beliefs out there for scrutiny.

Update 5:

Fitz: And I have invited to to discuss the subject - so why are you avoiding the subject?

Update 6:

biggalloot2003: Of course I know what facts are - do you?

Update 7:

Alex: Interesting, Humans are animals, and the animal kingdom sometimes is cruel - so what reason would a human have to 'redeem himself - cruelty is a part of nature!

Update 8:

Doubting Like Thomas: Interesting - people, even atheists seen psychologists where basically what they do is talk things out - how is prayer different other than it does not cost a few hundred dollars a session?

Update 9:

Everard: Do you know anybody who believes stuff they know to be false?

What does not seem to fit is, You imagine God would do this if he were real, and would not do that if he were real and would do this if he were real, and then based on the god you imagine failing to meet your expectations declare God is imaginary... But the God you are denying and calling imaginary is only in your imagination! What if your imaginary notions about what God should be are wrong?

Update 10:

Fitz : Incorrect, I already know what you aren't - You aren't religious, You aren't a theist. I am asking what you are!

Update 11:

Fitz: in the limited context of "religion and spirituality" Does your response mean you are NOTHING?

Update 12:

James K: Ironically that is the same basis by which I believe in creation and therefore a creator. ample evidence exists for it and it has predictive capability.

Update 13:

Mysterious: You might be interested to know there have been a few experiments that support your assertion of a shared consciousness.. It's not definitive but it is consistent with your position!

Update 14:

Misty: So you are saying you believe in materialism... The question is can you prove it?

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe in humanism, democracy, human rights, the golden rule, education, equal marriage, the right to die with dignity, humanitarian aid, the importance of history, that humans have a responsibility to dogs and so much more.

  • 8 years ago

    I believe things for which I have evidence that I can present, or that others have presented. That means I believe a lot of things. For example:

    I believe my wife loves me, as she has amply demonstrated it to both me and to everyone around us where we live. I find it highly unlikely that she would betray me, thus I also have faith in her love. (Note I use faith with its definition of acceptance of future action based on past performance).

    I believe the sun just rose in the east about two hours ago.

    I believe the folk are gathering across the street at the church right now for morning worship services (the same church this atheist went into some months ago to run off two robbers, with a shotgun and a dog, because God needs an atheist living across the street to protect his house of worship).

    I believe I only use the word believe to mean that I have confidence that something will or has occurred, because ample evidence exists for it, and such belief then becomes predictive (barring a nova, the sun will rise tomorrow in the east too).

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I believe that pouring vinegar into bakig soda relaeases carbon dioxide.

    I believe it happens every time.

    Unlike praying, the release of the carbon dioxide is not contingent upon how deeply and sincerely one loves and obeys either the vinegar or the baking soda, nor upon whether the viegar or the baking soda has a Perfect and Eternal "plan" for anyone, and the plan does not include releasing the carbon dioxide at this time.

    Source(s): Making a mess on the kitchen table
  • 8 years ago

    I beleive that anything and everything I can possible come up with about God is linked to my inner desires so thoroughly that I make myself think it was God that motivated me when in reality it was nothing more than my unconscious desire for solutions that are convenient for me and no more than that. God may be real but in no way am I able to understand that reality as much as my own which colors my life under the guise of a belief that it was done by God. God may be real but in no way am I able to understand that any more than any being can.

  • 8 years ago

    I'll answer for them.

    This beautiful cosmos made up of 500 billion galaxies (actual estimated count) which works like a finely-wrought jeweled clock just happened without any design whatsoever, but atheists are nonetheless overjoyed that they have now found subjective reality in the five senses alone--and everyone else is delusional, and that includes all heathens and pagans for the entire history of humanity, because they worship gods too.

    And then we have geniuses like Hawking who claims there is no God but is "grateful" for his life and for the "design of the universe."

    I may sound snarky, but enough is enough. Most atheists are ex-Christians or have in some way been burnt by inconsiderate Christian Trolls, and now they are angry, and since most true Christians actually respond as Jesus would, we turn out to be excellent scapegoats for their empirical fantasies. So be it. I'm ready to die for Jesus, if it's my time and He allows it. So bring it on.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There are common trends and patterns in behavior just as you find trends in behavior among Catholics. Claiming that atheism is "just a lack of belief" is simply a dishonest defense against intellectual criticism. Educated Atheists should be willing to admit that we can make educated guesses based on observed patterns of behavior even if statistical correlation isn't always 100%.

    Neil Tyson himself said that he doesn't like to call himself an atheist (he's an agnostic) because that's like referring to oneself as a "non-golfer". It's just pointless to describe yourself as what you are not.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    other religions that do not try to bend reality, or history, to their beliefs; but believing in what actually exists, and having a belief that matches the reality of nature and civilization. truth of philosophy and of religion, should match the reality or what actually exists.

    denying reality does not make a religion true. It is only necessary for that particular religion to continue to exist.

    the biggest reason to not believe in the validity of christian religion(s) is the christian people themselves. there are good people and bad people in every group, society, culture, and religion.

  • Fitz
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Got a few years?


    The religion and spirituality section is a place to discuss the subject ... not a theist club with a sign that says "No atheists allowed"


    You already know I am a non-religious atheist. You needed me to remind you?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I believe in many things, your God, however, is not among them. I believe humans, despite great cruelty towards one another, can redeem themselves and strive for the greater good. I believe that we are all free; free to make our own path in this world without the irrational few or majority telling us what step we can take and what music to dance to. I believe in the perseverance of Law and Order; Justice that is fair and impartial to everyone, regardless of nationality, heritage, skin color, sexual orientation, or what God(s) are or aren't worshipped. Are those beliefs good enough for you?

    Source(s): Your friendly neighborhood atheist, A.
  • 8 years ago

    Please allow me to introduce myself

    I'm a man of wealth and taste

    I've been around for a long, long year

    Stole many a man's soul and faith

    And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

    Had his moment of doubt and pain

    Made damn sure that Pilate

    Washed his hands and sealed his fate

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guess my name

    But what's puzzling you

    Is the nature of my game

    I stuck around St. Petersburg

    When I saw it was a time for a change

    Killed the czar and his ministers

    Anastasia screamed in vain

    I rode a tank

    Held a general's rank

    When the blitzkrieg raged

    And the bodies stank

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

    Ah, what's puzzling you

    Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

    I watched with glee

    While your kings and queens

    Fought for ten decades

    For the gods they made

    I shouted out,

    "Who killed the Kennedys?"

    When after all

    It was you and me

    Let me please introduce myself

    I'm a man of wealth and taste

    And I laid traps for troubadours

    Who get killed before they reached Bombay

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

    But what's puzzling you

    Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

    But what's confusing you

    Is just the nature of my game

    Just as every cop is a criminal

    And all the sinners saints

    As heads is tails

    Just call me Lucifer

    Cause I'm in need of some restraint

    So if you meet me

    Have some courtesy

    Have some sympathy, and some taste

    Use all your well-learned politesse

    Or I'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guessed my name, um yeah

    But what's puzzling you

    Is the nature of my game

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