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Why do Christians believe that no gods other than theirs exist?

Does it say anywhere in the Bible that Yahweh/Jehovah is the only god who is real? Chapter and verse please?


Yes, Someone Else, I do. Insisting that you have "no other gods before me" doesn't say that there aren't any other gods. If anything, it suggests that there *are* other gods, just that you can't prefer them over Yahweh.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is only one true God. That is God the creator of heaven and earth.

    People have created other gods. Anything you choose to worship is essentially your "god." And the bible records many false gods. People just make up gods. Some people worship the sun and call it "god."

    Check out the ten commandments. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." I think that is number one.

    Do you need a bible reference on that? Exodus 20:1-3.

    =============== (Added)

    And specifically to your question, are there "other gods." Yes, thousands and thousands. But they are ALL FAKE. They are fabricated in the minds of people.

    Do these "other gods" have power? YES. But, only if a demon gets behind the "god," and makes it seem like it has power. This is a very dangerous area. Demons can make strange things happen in order to hold people captive to the deception. Again, this is a very dangerous area. Don't mess around.

  • 8 years ago

    Defining what constitutes a being as a god is tricky! I am not sure even the Bible means the same thing every place you see that word!

    The Bible does say the Father in Heaven is the only true and living god.

    Now that infers one or more of the following conditions may exist:

    1. There are gods that are not true (speak the truth or can keep their promises).

    2. That there are gods that are dead.

    3. That there are false gods.

    With out a clear cut model of what constitutes a god- I can not answer.

  • >
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Exodus 20:3-5 thou shalt have no other Gods before me

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Deuteronomy 4:35

    To you it was shown, that you might know that the LORD Himself is God; there is none other besides Him.

    Isa 45:6

    That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other;

    Isa 45:21

    ...and there is no other God besides Me, a just God and a Savior;

    There is none besides Me.

    Isa 46:9

    Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me...

    And a few other places. Fact of the matter is - God exist. One God. Only one God.

  • 8 years ago

    God himself recognizes no other Gods....mankind has many gods.

    The bible states contradicting evidence regarding gods....until you are interested enough to see that "God" and "god" are, your question is regarding "gods"...of which there are many....but the bible says of "God", there is but one...Jehovah...Almighty God.

  • 8 years ago

    Well if you are a Christian and believe in other gods, then your faith in God is not strong.

    Source(s): A Christian myself
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago



  • 8 years ago

    Bible Believing Christian Response: Science and Prophecy cannot lie. Science discredit the Bible about many things the Bible talks about and later found by scientist. Other thoughts: No one should believe in the Devil, but knowing that the Devil do exist. This is not the same as justifying the Devil’s works. The Christians (among a few) believe God exist and they also believe in Him (Trust Him). If any have the knowledge that God exist, they most also believe that the Devil do exist as well. Thus Heaven and Hell do exist. Some believe that Satan is the equivalent of God in the negative sense, but the Devil is not equal with God. Remember it was God who created Lucifer and gave him his powers and left him with it even after Lucifer was cast down as the Devil. Hell exist and humanity is heading there. Where is hell? At the end of every men's physical self (at death). Jesus Christ is the express image of the Living God. There is a judgment coming, thus Jesus Christ came standing in the path of hell, pleading your hands into heaven. There are no paths to God (heaven) but there is a WAY. This is one truth that the Devil do not want the world to know: that Jesus is the Christ = Son of Men = Son of God = God (the second of the trinity or Godhead). Religion cannot save you. Having a relationship with your creator is the way to be. God would not have it any other way.


    The world is searching for God, but God is not lost and need to be found. There are no paths to God, but a way to God. The world is looking outside in from afar, but the Christians are looking inside out-out side in. The Christians are already living eternal life on the earth because we have the Spirit of Life in Christ. Death only takes us into heaven where the father is...


    Remember, the Christian are looking inside-out out-side in: This means that we are already in the presence of God, thus we are able to see God as He really is. I'm not saying we know all about God but the Trinity is certain. Let me paint a picture: the world cannot see God (The Living God-Creator of Heaven, Earth, Hell, Everything unseen, God- LIFE) because they reject Him in everything, replacing Him with idles. Some know about God but do not have His Holy Spirit. Thus, they can only see Him at a distance, far away, unfocused. But they are right about one thing...God is ONE. There is only ONE GOD my friend and He is HOLY. As Christians, we are claiming to have His Holy Spirit, we are claiming to be in His presence, close as a father to a child. Thus we are able to see Him as He is. Father, Son, Holy Spirit...These are not the attribute of God but His personality (poor word to say the least). The Christians are a "Monotheism Trinitarian" not "Monotheism Polytheism". An example for Monotheism Trinitarian would be YOU or the likeness of a LETTER. Your soul and spirit both belong to your mortal body (whish could parish). Looking at a mirror you can only see the body, yet your soul and spirit is hidden from you. In contrast: the body is like a the envelope which carries the spirit (the folding page inside) and the soul (the saying of the letter). When the letter is received from a physical mail box, you handle the envelope, open it to find what's inside it is more important. Yet both your body, soul and spirit make ONE YOU. And again both the envelope, folding page and the reading words are ONE LETTER. Yet you do not say "I'm three (3) human nor would you consider the letter to be three (3) separate mails.

    God is such a TRINITY that Each Persons (lack of better word) are able to perform or function INDEPENDENTLY but NOT APART from each other. You and I cannot function in such a way as God, yet we are also considered a Trinity being. How would the world see this truth when they are separating themselves from God? Did you know that God the Father calls Jesus Christ "GOD?" Did you know that Jesus Christ calls the Father "GOD?" Did you that the Holy Spirit calls both the Father and the Son "GOD?" The TRINITY calls HIMSELF (singular) "GOD?" No friend, the Christians do not believe in three (3) Gods. In you case, how can you judge something you yourself do not understand? We know the truth and that is why we are free. Warning: there will be another book or person that will tell you the opposite, but be true to yourself and look into these things yourself. For in seeking the truth, you will fine it and thus be free. This is the truth: JESUS CHRIST IS THE EXPRESS IMAGE OF GOD. HE DIED TAKEN YOUR PLACE OF DEATH AND HELL. HELL WAS NOT MADE FOR YOU, BUT ACCEPTING THE SON OF GOD WILL FREE YOU FROM HELL. YOU ARE AN INTELLIGENT INDIVIDUEL, TRY READING BETWEEN THE LINES

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    he had given them Bible.

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