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How do I tolerate my horrible mother?

She's a witch... No to mention racist, deluded, and overly self entitled. I consider myself a gentle person, but I want nothing more than to kill her. I want to make her suffer and bleed and cry for mercy for what she's done to me. She's abusive in many ways, and I've never completely told anybody else about what she's been doing, not even my brother, who's gone to college, my dad, who's never home, or my closest friends. Nobody knows, and I just wanted to rant anonymously online.

She always hits me when nobody's around- I'll say something non offensive, but she becomes extremely angry and starts screaming at me. She calls me useless, stupid, immature, ugly, fat, and brainwashed. I stopped taking her insults, though. I talk back. It only makes things worse.

Just a few minutes ago, another fight broke out. She smacked and bullied me. I did not hit her back- never have. She locked me in the garage, and I'm literally bawling my eyes out. I don't want live like this.

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    Ill be really honest, that sounds just horrible. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but she's your mom.. out of all the times you want to kill her, do you stop to remember how much you love her? She might just have a problem that no one understands.. personally, this sounds so similar to my mother its ridiculously scary. My mother is bipolar, she'll be normal and all of a sudden goes psychotic as is she runs the underworld, but I already know this about her. I know her anger problems and I know she's bipolar but she'll never admit to either and will not go for help, because god forbid someone mentions her having issues she gets more angry. Sometimes you have to accept them for whatever they may be because at the end of it, she's your family and if anything ever happened to her you would actually be devastated.. There's probably some good times with all these bad ones that you've described, but seriously, if its that bad, talk to your dad, suggest some family therapy, maybe she needs you guys the most now and none of you see it.

  • 7 years ago

    You know, if she is acting like a raving lunatic or becoming violent you can call the cops and tell them you believe she is emotionally disturbed. They will take her to a hospital for evaluation. It sounds like she needs it. For more leverage, don't yell or get smart with her. This will show the cops and EMS that you did nothing to provoke her and she is just a dangerous, crazy person. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You must be my twin. You HAVE to be. How can you be writing exact details, word for word, that I have experienced?

    I am turning 18. Hopefully you are or have too.

    Save your money. Hide it. Spend not a penny, not a friggin dime. Work and work, do odd jobs, low jobs, nanny jobs, cashier jobs, this job, that job, write peoples' essays for them, do everything you can to earn even DIMES - meanwhile, learn all you can about the world like credit cards, debit cards, get your car, learn about insurance, equip yourself with all you need for life. You won't save enough to pay for your undergraduate university education, but are you willing to tolerate hell till the day you graduate? drop out of school, or see of OSAP can really help you, MOVE OUT WHILE YOU ARE EMPLOYED AND HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR BACK UP, save all your money for years as you work menial jobs, then go back to university with the saved money. It will waste quite a bit of your life and patience but hey, would you rather build yourself out there or shrink yourself in the abusive trash you live in? use your sense.

  • 8 years ago

    Mother or not, this needs to stop. Call your brother, your dad, the police, CPS, or whatever you need to do to get help and safety nonviolently. You seem to be at your wits end, and that's just a terrible place to be.

    Source(s): Same place you were, but with a drug-addict, alcoholic father.
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