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? asked in Social SciencePsychology · 7 years ago

I'm really depressed about death, could you help me?

Ever since i've heard the song "Clouds" by zach sobiech, I'm completly afraid of dieing. I constantly wonder What will happen to my consciousness when we die, what's the point of living when im only used to prolong the next generation, etc. could help me? i tried going to a church, but they only made it worse.

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    So you want to completely ruin your life, because you aren't immortal?

    That makes NO sense at all.

    Your consciousness will cease when you die. So, instead of making yourself miserable your whole life, why not LIVE your life?

    You can have whatever points to your life you want -- making things better for others; enjoying yourself; pursuing your interests; developing warm relationships with others.

    You should get therapy, to help you understand how to live this brief life you have.

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Hi Franklyn,

    Most of us humans, if we are honest, fear dying at least a little. It's quite natural.

    But to fear it a lot is not emotionally healthy.

    You wrote "what's the point of living when I'm only used to prolong the next gveneration, etc." Actually, you made a very good point. Here's another one: there is no proof at all that death ends all. Some misguided scientists (not all scientists) like to promote the idea that we are just physical machines with no soul, etc. I disagree with that strongly.

    Actually, in recent years there has been a lot of documentation and careful scientific reporting of near death experiences that have no good, justifiable conclusions to them other than that our consciousness DOES continue after death. I invite you to read about some of them, just be wary of those who would tie a lot of new age thinking or occult propaganda to them (as a way of validating their beliefs). (For example go here )

    What church did you go to that made dying a thing to fear?

    My faith (Christian of the Protestant variety) is a comfort to me. Does it take away all fear? No, but it does take away most of the fear.

    So my second recommendation to you is to seriously check out Christianity. There are a lot of good reasons to believe that there is a God there and that the Bible is true and relliable enough to trust your life with. In other words, get settled in your own mind about what you believe in. That can help a lot. Especially if it is positive like a soundly Bible-based Christianity. (For example, go here )

    Why do I believe in life after death (as well as in God and Jesus the Son of God)? Because this life doesn't make any sense without it all. Nature may be cruel at times, but it is never stupid of ridiculously senseless.

    Best wishes. (I have said a prayer for you.)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Dear God man!

    What are you thinking!!?

    Look,life is messy. But you gotta get in there and do stuff!

    Make a list of all the great places you want to see. Books you want to read. Movies you want to watch.stuff you want to try.

    Then tick them off one at a time.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I think that we have a soul so it's only the body that dies... Then we will go through reincarnation to learn lessons in life and pay back any debts we owe...

    Perhaps just live your life to the fullest and embrace it then life will be ok...

  • 7 years ago

    Church can make fear if death worse....just think about life and how you are gonna live it if you think of death your not gonna have lived a life when you do die....

    Source(s): Me
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