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Lv 6

What's wrong with atheists?

Why are you so easily raise your dead religion, namely Christianity? What's wrong with Christians? Is there something wrong with the Christian religion, so that you turn away from the religion you profess you ever

11 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sometimes, you see something that is so wrong you are stupified and stunned by the outrageousness of the event. This is one of those events.

  • Aimee
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Yes, very wrong. These are the reasons I am concerned about Christianity.

    The pope lying and telling AIDS ridden Africans that condoms spread AIDS and they weren't allowed to use them leading to so many children being born with AIDS.

    The Catholic church covering up child sex abuse.

    My grandfather being horribly abused by nuns in a children's home.

    Women being discriminated against in Catholicism and Church of England clergy.

    Homophobic rhetoric and holding back of equal marriage.

    Reproductive freedom being threatened.

    My daughter being taught at 5 that God liked to kill children and was watching her.

    Bishops in the house of lords.

    The very real danger that Americans may elect into the most powerful position in the world, someone who believes in magic and denying rights to women and LGBT people.

    Churches being exempt from tax even tho they are a profit making organisation and there is a recession.

    The holding back of science particularly in America.

    The exorcism of children leading to 8 deaths a year in my town, London.

    Even more deaths related to people trying to cure serious diseases and infections with prayer - often children.

    The right to die being held back by Christians leading to people having to go abroad if they can afford it or suffer for months or years.

    Having to live among people who think I will be tortured for all eternity and think that's just fine and this is socially acceptable in a way that Nazism is not.

    The psychological abuse of children.

    The mental illnesses related to fear of hell, scrupulosity and religious OCD.

    People feeling ridiculous guilt for having a sex life.

    Gay people feeling they must deny themselves love for God.

    I could go on.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Illiterate fool>>Why are you so easily raise your dead religion,

    are you trying to say something with that word Salad?

    It makes NO Sense at all....

    why am I NOT surprised?

  • Adnama
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yes, there is something wrong. Christianity taught me that I was born a filthy, evil sinner and had to grovel before god like the scum of the earth to be granted "forgiveness." As a woman, it taught me to be a submissive doormat. It also taught me to discriminate against homosexuals. What's worst, it taught me that thinking for yourself and asking too many questions is dangerous. I also believed that violent, sadistic human sacrifice could somehow "save" me from my shameful, disgusting self.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    What's wrong with coherent sentences? Do you have something against people understanding what you're getting out?

    I think you are asking why atheists are not Christians?

    It's because they don't believe any God exists.

  • 7 years ago

    There is nothing wrong with atheism as well as there is nothing wrong with Christianity. People believe what they want to believe, and you shouldn't try to force Christianity on anyone. Things like that is what give Christians a bad name. Just focus on you and your own beliefs and leave people that don't share your beliefs alone.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Your religion shows rape, sexism, homophobia, murder, and animals sacrifice in a positive light.

    And those aren't even the worst things you religion has caused.

    This one might not have to do with Christianity

    notice how each major religious war has some type of Christian involved.

  • 7 years ago

    nothing is wrong. Would you like cheese with your whine?

  • 7 years ago

    Sorry, I don't speak your language.......Tongues?

  • 7 years ago

    +Watchlist. I hadn't added any in a while. This is a good one. Thanks.

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