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Lv 7
Prema asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 7 years ago

Will we exist again? Let say, we appeared by chance....?

..the universe appeared by chance. Then after who knows when, the universe will be wind itself and will become as before expanded. Then will be another big bang, and the history will repeat itself: amoeba, fish, dinosaurs, monkeys, human beings, atheists, theists, another Hitler, Mussolini, another Jesus, again technology, etc. etc. and then, we, everyone of us, a single person, the same person, will we exist again? I am not talking about reincarnation or after life. I know sounds crazy. Sorry, English second language.

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually, you are talking about reincarnation. The who concept comes from the idea that the universe is forever in a endless cycle of contractions and expansions, hence, energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, only made to change form. The big bang is most likely a transition period between contractions and expansions. The ancient Vedic/Hindu culture of India had a very advanced understanding of the cosmos. Sanskrit text from thousands of years ago describe the universe as being like a bubble being breathed in and out of existence. The expansion and contraction of the universe is only a recent concept to modern Western science.

  • Hallucinations and visions have shown me the raveling and unraveling of the universe. Everything that you and I have ever experienced has already occurred and will transpire again and again and again. We are the product of an infinite, eternal series of entropy and rebirth. When the sun dies, all the matter in the solar system will lose their previously determined paths and fall together, one by one. As the form becomes larger, it begets a larger gravitational pull. As all the matter is absorbed into this final form, the elements coalesce into an unstable concoction and explodes. This is the Big Bang again. Entropy and rebirth. Perhaps it will be a slightly different form, but the concept remains the same. It has already happened and it will happen again.

  • Yoda
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Look at the facts: you cannot possibly know. This is because the human mind has invented the concept of life and death via separation! This has caused the question of afterlife, i.e., the abstract questions are the result of previous presuppositions (whether seemingly factual or not).

    Inside your body, individual cells are dying all the time, never to be reborn, merely replaced (skin cells); however, despite the death of those skin cells, the larger organism continues. That situation is not your situation, and so any attempt to 'link by analogy' such as the attempt I just made (as an example) CANNOT bring you a satisfactory answer.

    Anybody that claims to know the answers to abstract questions have deceived themselves, and so are able to deceive others. Uncertainty is 'OUR beverage', and asking questions of this nature is a futile attempt to sweeten the 'tea of not-knowing'. In the mean time, your life goals are giving thinking time to this wild goose chase!

    Look at the cause: you have witnessed people in your life dying, and you fear it. The internal dialogue that throws out this question "Is there a future life?" is reacting to a calculation that death is coming. As you don't know anything about life, death or afterwards---accept through abstract fact-less derived thinking---the calculation is an assumption based on no facts. It is internal dialogue that says death is permanent, there is no afterlife; internal dialogue is scarring itself into afterlife belief in an attempt to avoid important matters and also to avoid the only absolute that exists, which is uncertainty.

    Face it: You will never know if death is the end, nor will you ever know if death is a transition to another existence. Mind has invented death as separate from life (understandable from it's parochial perspective).

    Mind is the only instrument available to you for understanding abstract uncertainties, and it is not the instrument for answering those questions to fully solve them to satisfaction.

    So the fear of dying is not fear of dying at all, it is fear of not knowing what's going to happen to 'what you assume' is a single entity, i.e., yourself!

    When you ask an abstract question with no possible correct answer, you invite insanity, because no matter how you ask the question, no answer will logically solve the fear of the unknown.

    What you are doing in asking this question is p i s s i n g in the wind (in fact, in a strong gale); hoping for an afterlife is like a hamster hoping to reach Miami beach from rainy London by running faster in it's wheel.

    What are you not doing when doing this kind of thinking? The neurons get tired when you use them allot to do one activity: are there other useful things you could do instead of going into the abstract? Is there another reason you're asking the question: is it regret and thus a desire to exist again?

    The mind cannot deal with absolutes like death, life, afterlife and regret. There really is no satisfying mental solution to these issues, and you already know this, so, that begs the question, why fool yourself? Is it tiredness, boredom, lack of passion for what you're doing as a job? What are the physical causes?

  • 7 years ago

    An identical repeat? Not likely. Another universe with similar properties? Yes

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    science says probably yeah

    but i doubt that history will repeat itself. this guy did another video about how nothing is predetermined. also, think about the butterfly effect. one atom treated differently at the start of a universe could completely alter its course

  • 7 years ago

    I think the cycle does go around again just like the seasons, the ages also go in cycles. But I really don't think we will be the same people

  • 7 years ago

    Highly unlikely.

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