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Poll: How many of you think that Father Eric will leave the priesthood voluntarily on Days of our Lives?

This is just a poll, even though I am an "extra" on DOOL. I am just looking for your personal opinion, Thanks!

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think Eric is in love with Nicole. I just asked a question about him. I do believe he will leave the priesthood to be with her......My question..;_ylt=At...

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Do you mean leave as in what Richard Nixon did?* Or leave even if the church clears him?

    Not to compare Eric to Tricky Dick, he might do just that if he realizes he is still in love with Nicole. It would be better for him to stick it out and get cleared (probably wouldn't have happened in Nixon's case) then leave the priesthood to be with Nicole.

    Nicole deserves a little happiness even if it means she has to be Sami's sis-in-law. I like Sami/Nicole scenes; they are almost as good as Sami/Kate scenes.

    *Resign voluntarily to avoid an official decision that would most likely go against him.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hard to tell right now.

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