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Is anyone looking forward to Drake Hogestyn (John Black"s) return to Days of our Lives?

Taping in progress for his return in late February or early March. I for one do not care for his character, but in real life he is a charming man. I am an "extra" on Days of our Lives and have been for almost 2 years.


Questor, Please speak for yourself.

Update 2:

I agree with you Kitty, John does have a robotic voice and he seems so stiff and just off a little bit!

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry I have never liked John Black's character . Its something about his voice that I cant stand. But im sure Marlena will be glad he is coming back.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I would have assumed he would be on a little sooner than that since he started filming in October. I know they have a advance filming but I thought it was only three months. Oh well, at least he is coming back and Lucas gets some airtime coming soon too. I think John has a place in Salem and that is where he belongs. I will be glad upon his return--and he brings news--a twist. I can't wait to see what the plan for this storyline of his news is. Poor guy just has never known who he really is.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I can't wait for John Black to return and hopefully reunite with Marlena. I have missed him. I don't want him to just disappear like Bo.

  • 7 years ago

    No, no one is.

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