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GPU driver causes problems but card works fine without driver?

I have a Powercolor Radeon HD 7770 and recently it's been a pain in the ****. With the driver installed, the display randomly glitches out (sometimes BSOD) and I have to hard-reset my PC.

After I uninstalled all of my drivers (with a third party program), the card hasn't failed, and it's been a few weeks now. The problem is that I can't play any games or use GPU acceleration in Photoshop without the GPU drivers installed.

Also, I've tried installing many different versions of the 7770 drivers, to no avail. So what's the problem? If it was a hardware issue, the card probably wouldn't work at all, right? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 Answers

  • Nahum
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    How long have you had the card? If it is under warranty, get it replaced. It is obvious that there is some sort of defect.

    You may want to check your motherboard and power supply, as hardware can be ruined by having low-quality power. This is especially the case if your power supply is not name brand, or has a relatively low max wattage rating (probably 400W or below in your case).

  • 7 years ago

    Make sure you get the one, for your Operating System. Boot into VGA Mode, the open the device manager and uninstall the video drivers, reboot again into VGA Mode and install the old drivers.

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