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Lv 7
? asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 7 years ago

Your input on Pot Luck Meals at work.?

This lady that works for a company I work for (small company of 16 people), wanted to have a Christmas pot luck dinner. I thought that was great and was thinking of a dish to bring when she stated more than once, " if you don't bring a dish, you cannot eat"...Now this kind of bothered me. This is a "Christmas dinner" pot luck. Now isn't Christmas about giving. Sure there are one or two people who would never bring a dish, nor would you probably want then to bring one. But why exclude them from a "Christmas dinner". Christmas is about giving, what better way to show the Christmas spirit then asking anyone to join you for the Christmas dinner. It ended up being 10 crock pots full of food, yet she put up a stink about someone not being able to eat if no dish was brought...your thoughts please.

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Isn't it sad she needs to be so unkind. I hope others stood up and welcomed everyone whether they brought food or not.

    Merry Christmas!

  • 7 years ago

    At my work we had a pot luck too it is a small company too about 27 people. Basically we say if you can bring something bring it, and if you can't you can still enjoy the pot luck. Unfortunately not everyone can afford to bring something and we don't want to put that stress on them, but we still want to celebrate the wonderful time together and usually there is always more than enough to go around.

    It seems some people don't understand the meaning of kindness and giving....and understand that some people might not able to bring something.

  • 7 years ago

    the people bringing food should be generous and enjoy a Christmas gathering. That is wrong ofthem to make an unfair rule. If I could not make a dish I would not go

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I agree with this Totally! Some people cant' afford to bring too much. They should no way be excluded. We have this thing at work that if you don't bring something you have to be at the end of the line to get anything. That is Not right way to celebrate!

    Source(s): They should be the first ones in line!
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    She sounds like a *****...merry Christmas

    Source(s): Andy
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It was like that at my old job, the same people who brought nothing, usually young men, were first to line up and eat alot of food.

    Sometimes there was not much left for those at the end of the line.

    They eventually began bringing a litter of pop or bag of chips.

    We never turned anyone away though...

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The moment she said that I would have challenged her, but then I am very outspoken.

    all I can say is she is incredibly rude and insensitive.

    Merry Christmas Mister! :)

  • I think your colleague has missed the point entirely.

    What a sad, mean little life she must lead.

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