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Christians, i asked what did God think about Christmas?...Well...add this to it?

I don't lie to my kids about santa whatsoever...we don't partake in that mess ...but when we think of christmas, in my home, we REALLY do it in remeberance of the messiah being born.

This is how I rationalize it: The pagans prayed to gods. Does that mean when I pray im being pagan? they were praying to false gods before we were praying to the God of the Bible, the true God, the only God.

They had pagan temples before we had the Temple on the Mount. Does that mean we were following pagan rituals or were just doing things the right way?

We have a christmas tree because the lights are pretty and we like the idea of an angel looking over our living room. When we look at the presents, we vocalize how the Lord has blessed us this year. We give good gifts knowing that our Father in Heaven gives greater gifts....which the bible states....and we teach...

Just because something is used for evil for someone else, does that mean that we cant do it if we are in remembrance of God? Prayers are offered to false Gods, yet we pray. Alms are done in the name of false Gods, yet we give alms....

Don't some of you think this is a bit legalistic to put restrictions on how some show love to others??

Christmas in the form of being grateful for the birth of the messiah? the wise men giving gifts? The star of Bethlehem? This is the celebration of the culmination of messianic prophecy....

Am I completely jaded here???

If they prayed first, and we do it correctly, does that mean were following a pagan ritual?/

I am in no way conviced that Christmas is bad or good. Im not doing anything but following a tradition. If christmas is bad then every last one of us who go to church on sunday is bound for hell as well....

14 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    By what some people say in response to you, it seems as if God created us ONLY with the purpose of us being totally obedient to His words, or something like that.

    I do believe in following what God says, but I also believe that God created us with the intention of giving us Free Will and the ability to choose.

    Why then would God demand we only do what some people claim we should do? That would totally null our Free Will and make us nothing but puppets for God to manipulate. I mean, the whole thing would then be controlled BY God, and our being humans would be for nothing.

    An analogy. Suppose I built a rifle for hunting deer. And then I put a plug into the barrel to prevent me from shooting my gun, because I did not want to kill anything. WHAT would be the purpose of my building the gun in the first place?

    If I gathered some young boys and created a soccer ball team, got them all nice uniforms and all, but then did NOT allow them to play any games, because of it being "competition", what would be the whole purpose of my making a team in the first place?

    This what I see with Humans. God created us for a purpose, and with Him controlling us all the way, the purpose is then nullified. God will instead, allow us to do as we do, and not intervene.

    God wants us to be human, to live as humans, and to do so without His intervention. So if we then take a few days out of each year and celebrate it as Christmas, the Birth of Jesus, I don't think God would object to that.

    People with Free Will, tend to take what is written and use it as they see it, and then try to turn that against others who also have Free Will and see what is written differently.

    God's main wish for humans, is that we all live in harmony with each other, and that does not only mean, not being at war with each other, but also loving each other regardless of our differences. And so those who turn against us, using religion as their weapon, are actually doing more harm, then those of us who simply want to celebrate the Birth of Jesus.

    People NEED to stop harassing others, for their own gain. IF they do not agree with us about something, so be it, let it go. They can go ride their pony as they see fit, and we will ride ours as we see fit.


    "....As for Christmas, you celebrate it on Dec. 25th, because of Sol Invictus.." quote.

    No, I celebrate Christmas because I want to, not because of some stupid Roman day.

    I honor my Lord Jesus while doing so, which you cannot understand.

    For your information, I also drive my car to the next town, or across town, or maybe even out of state, because I want to drive it....not because someone else drove a car before I did.

    I dress as I want too, and if someone years ago dressed the same, so be it, I am not doing so because of him.

    So just because some Roman did something years ago, does not make me do the same, I do so because I WANT TO.

    So Supreme Llama, you can say what you want, it is a free country. And I will continue to celebrate my Christmas as I want to. At least, I enjoy doing it. What does it do for you?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    You are thinking about what you're doing. Ask God what you should do. As long as you're praising Him, He will honour that. In all things, put Him first. It doesn't matter what time of year you celebrate His coming, any time will do. But you're right to leave off the Santa worship and all those trappings.

    By the way, Sunday worship is a tradition of man too. If you do some research there, you'll find that the early church gradually apostatized and Sunday replaced Saturday as the holy day. But not with God's blessing. It will be another obedience issue in end times.

    Keep your relationship with God alive, and nothing can go between you. Blessings.

  • BJ
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Concerning pagan religious practices, Christians are commanded: “Quit touching the unclean thing.” (2 Cor. 6:17) The Bible also admonishes: “Now that you have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor.”

    Do you wish to obey those Scriptural commands? Could you do so and at the same time engage in a celebration admittedly rooted in paganism and one that suggests a false date for the birth of Jesus Christ? Would not doing so mean that you love pleasure more than God and his truth?

    Christmas can mean a time of testing for many. They may be aware that Christmas smacks of paganism and is displeasing to God. But their family, friends and neighbors may go in big for the celebration. The pressure to ‘go along with the crowd’ can become severe.

    What will this test reveal about you this year? Will it demonstrate to all that your love of God exceeds any desire you may have to please humans?

    Remember, the Bible shows that God should be the supreme object of your love and fear. Matt. 22:37

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.” (John 4:22-24) How can we worship in truth sharing in a holiday that is man made and based on falsehood?

    There is no evidence Jesus was born on December 25th or that the apostles celebrated his birth yearly, their is evidence that this holiday came from pagan origins that are not acceptable to God.

    Read What Does the Bible Say About Christmas?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Wow, your mental gymnastics are amazing. Do you know the difference between a False God and a True God? Your own imagination. That's it. Both do not exist in reality.

    As for Christmas, you celebrate it on Dec. 25th, because of Sol Invictus, the Roman holiday of the unconquered sun. You have a Christmas Tree because of the druid tradition. You call it Christmas because your religion stole the traditions of the the others and sought to replace them with their own. You are simply the follower of a better marketing strategy.

    Happy Sol Invictus.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    God knows what is in your heart and thoughts, you love Him, that's what He considers.

    The date of December 25th is a Biblical day of celebration for when Jesus Christ first dwelt with us in the flesh - Matthew 1:23 KJV - That date can be found with some study in The Book of Luke. If you are interested in more detail, I wrote out a Bible study about Jesus' conception and birth date on my blog here

    Source(s): The Bible
  • 7 years ago

    That is inspiring! I think that for those who think that Christmas displeases God they should not celebrate it. But for those who do not hold that conviction it is neither right nor wrong to celebrate it. However, for those of us who are at liberty to celebrate it, we must beware not to cause someone else to stumble. It isn't worth it to use our freedom at the expense of someone else's soul. But either way, this is in no way a salvational debate, so let's give grace to each other especially when we disagree.

    Source(s): 1 Corinthians 8
  • 7 years ago

    How about you allow your children to be children. Keep the basics of thankfulness of the blessing of your family and the things that God has provided you with, but remember their just kids full of love and when their adults they wont truly believe in that stuff all on their own. Try not to take a piece of their childhood away that you yourself have most likely had. Everyone grows out of it!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Did you hear about the other messiah stories from mythology ? Messiah's which share at least 80% of Jesus's story ? Isn't that making you a pagan ? Since Jesus is clearly a fabrication, a semi-god copied from the stories of douzens of semi-gods from all the pagan cultures !

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    What I have read it basically tells US that we are praying to Pagan Gods.

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