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Patriots asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 7 years ago

I don't understand why I'm not satisfied? Look..?

I'm 17, I live in a house with my family and we have enough money to live and enough for things like cars, electronics, etc but i don't feel satisfied? I want to feel happy, I know I should feel happy but I'm not?? HOW CAN I FIX THIS? Is this my heads fault?


Actually money can satisfy certain people. Did I say money satisfies me? I said it doesnt, carry on..

11 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Happiness is Love!

    Love cannot be purchaced or owned!!

    “Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi

    tat tvam asi (

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Hey there Patriots,

    I am going to guess that you are referring to one of the following:

    1- The void that many people describe. The one folks attempt to fill-in with a religion or other spiritual type of practice. The god need.

    2- The love of their life, the one person that “completes them” once they meet and partner with them.

    The second one is actually the easier of the two in my opinion. Seek and find. If there is in fact an ideal partner out there for you, and I am sure there is more than one, your odds of finding them will increase by meeting more numbers of other people.

    The first possibility is more difficult. Many people subscribe to the religion that their family passes down to them, for many years, all the while still sensing the void mentioned above.

    I can only speak to you about religions from my personal experience. I don’t believe any of them. I just cannot grasp the idea of an entity or god. Blind faith is something I am not capable of I guess. The things described in the bible just cannot be correct. There are too many missing details. Things that only a god would have known about, because man had not yet learned of, are just not mentioned. Why? Because no god was involved with the writing, nor with the people that did the writing. For me, it’s as simple as that.

    So, what about this void so many describe? For me, I had to reason it all out. What I was really seeking was peace of mind. Once I became convinced of the lack of god(s), I started to look at things much more analytically.

    Peace of mind is simply the absence of mental stress or anxiety.

    Thinking that we must do this or that and follow “the rules” to avoid hell and get into heaven is fairly stressful. Not having a understanding of "the rules" can cause anxiety.

    To obtain and maintain this state of peace, it is essential that we develop techniques that foster clear and honest critical thinking. We must each develop our own personal life-long philosophy.

    My personal philosophy is to be the best world citizen I can be, try to influence others to live the same way, and contribute to society in any way that I can. I must continuously improve myself and the world, as best I can. Not because I will be rewarded in the end. Not because some religion tells me that I must do so to avoid hell, but because it is the only thing that makes sense.

    Start to develop your philosophy now and measure yourself against your old-self. Continuous improvement is the only way to a truly fulfilling life.

    Love and peace to you. I hope you find that missing part.

    Source(s): Clear and honest critical thinking
  • 7 years ago

    Money aside I share your feelings. I have you same situation only I am 16, and I long for something. This is something I cannot grasp, but I am not dissatisfied. The word dissatisfied makes me think of an ungrateful person, which I believe is not your point.

    I constantly hear of stories from my elders they all lived interesting lives. What I want to know is, where is my crazy stories. We as a generation are so confined- by electronics (ourselves) and by the rules of adults who "know better".

    I can't tell you how to fix this. I can tell you the is probably your problem. So go do something stupid!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Well I like to go shopping that makes me happy and always calms me down if I'm stressed. Therefore I feel that if I had unlimited financial resources I'm sure I would be happy. Or at least I'd love to have the opportunity to test it out! I think you're pretty lucky and I wouldn't be complaining , no offence

  • Jan
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I really hate to bust the bubble or people that do not believe the Bible was not written by God....

    The void u are feeling is nature when u don't have God living inside u.... I thought I was saved when I was a went through the motions of being a Christian because I thought I had God....when ai became an adult...I thought like an adult.....I was in a service...& the preacher mentioned u had to ask Christ to COME in...all I had done was prayed baptized a kid...boom...I did all I thought ( As a kid) have God be master of my life and have the happiness I saw others have

    .....I was at work...( I worked at a call center...) and I remember thinking..." have I ever ask Christ in"....I couldn't remember doing that as a I said..." Jesus if I have never ask you in will you come in) I said...I worked at a call center....all my co workers were answering calls....BUT...when I ask CHRIST to come in...the co workers voices stop...and then I found myself in a room filled with haze...or fog....I wasn't scared at all....then I felt total peace flow all over me..inside and out....I was the happiest I had ever filled my whole body......I don't know how long I was there...but eventually I came back to myself and could hear my co workers...I looked at the clock on my computer...I wasn't late...its like it stopped.....I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me...a.d saw anything different one looked my way....I was blowed away.....GOD IS REAL.....HE CAME INSIDE ME...SO THAT MEANS HIS WORD IS REAL...

    ask him in and find your happiness ..u will NOT REGRET it...people that say he isn't real hasn't had him come in yet....

    I am not ashamed to tell...cause I know for a fact he is real...

  • Uuftk
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    you cannot fill a infinite existence with temporary things, it doesn't work. your soul is lacking, leaving you with the feeling of hollowness, and meaningless. i've been there, done that, and sometimes find myself back in the same predicament. you must find out what's going on with your core, my friend. take the time out of your day to address the you within your body, something's missing, and it's probably something this earth cannot offer.

    “Don't Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold.” -Bob Marley

  • 7 years ago

    From the info, I'm tending to infer towards social recluse. If that is the reason, then this reason is attributable to your insatiable tendency. The only immediate remedy that can alleviate your minor issue, would be to have a girlfriend and/or boyfriend. Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Satisfaction through material gains is illusory.

    You think money can satisfy a person?

    You must think that the world that marketing people have constructed for you is actually the real world.

    No wonder you're unhappy!

  • 7 years ago

    Most people today are not happy, in spite of having all things for a comfortable living;

  • 7 years ago

    You're young. Most young people are unsatisfied and searching. Give it a few years. Or, you could try being homeless and hungry for a while. Maybe when you returned to your home you'd appreciate it.

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