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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Why do Liberals ignore the fact that the Obama administration added 9 trillion dollars to the national so far?

In 2008 when Obama was campaigning he said George W. Bush was "irresponsible and unpatriotic" for adding $4 trillion to the national debt. However, in the first 5 years Obama added almost $9 trillion to the national debt. Bush was a very bad president for adding $4 trillion. So what does that make Obama? This insane level of spending is an attempt to destroy the economy. Why do Liberal citizens seem to agree with the destructive agenda of this Liberal administration?


Here is a video of Obama calling Bush unpatriotic while on the campaign trail.

Update 2:

Yes, it should be "national debt so far?"

13 Answers

  • Aly
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They dont ignore it but instead blame it on GWB and the tea party. Obama apparently has done absolutley nothing as POTUS in the last 5 yrs for which he should be held accountable, except for the death of Osama...and to hear Obama and libbies tell it, you would think Obama parachuted into Afghanistan, chased Osama down the street and gave him a noogie before he killed him while the Navy Seals stood by and watched in awe of Obama the great

    ADD: See what I mean???? LOL!!

    I dont know which argument I like better that libbies pose. Blaming the debt on the "Bush Wars" that actually cost just over a trillion in total and was just a little more than what Obama spent in the first three months of his presidency on the FAILED stimulus that was going to keep unemploymnet under 8%, or blaming the congress for the current debt while blaming GWB for the debt incurrred under his presidency while giving the Pelosi Reid congress under Bush a free pass.

    Oh and how can I forget the cutting deficit argument?? It is funny that Obama and the libbie controlled congress ran unprecedented deficits in in 2009 and 2010 and now like to take credit for cutting them, even though the deficit is still higher now than it has ever been under any other president.

  • 7 years ago

    And why do conservatives ignore the fact that $2 trillion of that was putting Bush Jr wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on the books. And another almost $1 trillion was the Bush Jr Medicare donut hole. And another almost $1 trillion for the stimulus in an attempt to quickly dig us out of the economic hole Bush Jr put us into.

    Conservatives ignore those basic facts.

  • 7 years ago

    We don't.

    Unlike morons we understand that Bush inherited an economy that wasn't crashing; that he went against the will of the people in slashing taxes for extremely rich people, and fighting two wars off-budget and unfunded, one of which was for no real reason.

    People who aren't morons remember that the economy tanked before Obama took office, and the GOP has done everything they can to make everything WORSE, not BETTER.

    Only morons would completely ignore everything that was actually going on.

    No, it isn't an attempt to destroy the economy.

    It's conservatives who have destroyed our once strong and stable economy. Liberals are TRYING to fix the damage of 30 years of conservative rule.

  • 7 years ago

    Obama promised to cut deficits in half, and he's done that. He also gave the middle class a tax cut, something Republicans have promised for decades but never even tried.

    Democratic presidents have consistently done better with the economy than Republicans over at least the last century. Of our $17 trillion in debt, $13 trillion came under just the last three REPUBLICAN presidents--the same ones who swore to making the budget their top priority. Once in office, they just decided debt doesn't matter.

    In fact the Republicans only really care about the budget when they're out of power!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    NINE trillion? Got any proof for that? According to the source below, the President's total is less than half of that. I suggest you go bone up on your arithmetic, because those numbers can be tricky.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    We don't. We just want you guys to acknowledge that the economy was in ruins when he came in and a lot of the debt was due to that.

    Just talking about the debt he has added without recognizing the cause is ignorant.

  • For one thing, he only added $7trillion so far. $3.5 trillion of which is the Bush tax cuts and the wars Dumbya started. I will also note that connies do not seem to be worried about the hundreds of billions wasted every year on corporate welfare, endless wars, and obsolete military bases in foreign countries, only

  • 7 years ago

    He did not. We are paying down Republican wars and prescription drug plans they were put on a credit card never paid. The country doesn't just fold up and stop. Had Bush fixed things properly we wouldn't be in this mess Obama is digging us out of. So says the CBO.

  • 7 years ago

    You guys and Beck were claiming that number MONTHS into Obama's presidency - it was a lie then and it's a lie now.

  • 7 years ago

    Cons refuse to understand deficit vs debt on budget talks. You can still increase debt as the deficit shrinks.

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