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Atheists why is the suicide rate significantly higher in atheists than it is for theists?

Suicide is a world-wide problem. I'm not saying theist's don't commit suicide because they do. But it is clear the suicide rate for atheists are much higher than those who aren't.

Could it be?

"Atheism is a false

religion, with no basis in science or logic. You claim to know things you cannot know. Atheists worship human cleverness,

and deny the reality of super levels of

consciousness. You think that if you

can't measure something, it can't be real. But many of us do come in contact to it, and we know it is real. As for what happens after death, you do not know. You need to feel you have superior insight and knowledge, but you don't. You are spiritually blind. If atheists are more likely to be depressed, it's because they believe something that is not true. Help from something greater than ourselves is always within reach. Believers can endure setbacks and misfortunes better than atheists, because we know someone is always there to guide us through it.''~Anonymous

The way I see it, as an atheist I'm just matter (since my life is a product of chance and randomness not purpose) how the hell could my life matter..


I have to laugh at the hypocrisy you atheists display. You demand evidence and don't answer the actual question but when you ask questions you don't provide any evidence to support your claims. But since you are too lazy to answer the actual question and research the evidence but resort to sarcasm, condensation and ridicule here are some links.

Update 2:

No Chance Without Probability don't tell me factors that are taken into consideration. The scientists that came to this conclusion are not amateur college students and already took all those things into consideration as they are trained to. The facts remain as they are.

Update 3:

Hate to burst your bubble but there has been atheist suicide bombings

. This atheist suicide bomber in particular killed 18 agnostics

Update 4:

Thanks to the ones that pointed out (kindly) that the link to the supposed atheist suicide bombing is inaccurate and non-factual. Since I cannot remove please may that mistake be ignored.

23 Answers

  • Bob
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hope, its very easy to see why suicide is higher in atheists then in theists. Most atheists know that they are extremely dishonest about their worldview. For example deep down inside atheists know that their worldview offers no ultimate, meaning, value, purpose and hope but they arent honest enough to admit it, This is why almost all nihilists understand that atheists are lying to themselves, and the atheists that are honest enough to face it know that despair is the ultimate outcome of this worldview.

    That is why nihilists are called the more honest atheists and why almost all atheists are lying to themselves.

    This is also why suicides are higher in atheists then in theists. This is a non brainer to anyone with a little honesty and common sense to see.

  • 7 years ago

    Have you actually read those studies? The sample size was too small. If you knew anything about science you would know that you have to have a large sample size or else you can get flawed findings. Also, you cannot base conclusions on a study or two. You need multiple studies confirming the same findings over and over.

    Also, on your last entry about the atheist suicide bombers, you do realize that site is a satire site and is not real, right?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    But it is clear the suicide rate for atheists are much higher than those who aren't.

    - It is clear ONLY to fundies.

    Atheism is a false religion

    - It isn't a religion.

    with no basis in science or logic.

    - The "fact" that you have never produced any evidence of a deity makes atheism an absolute.

    You claim to know things you cannot know.

    - We "know" that you have no evidence of a deity.

    deny the reality of super levels of consciousness

    - What reality, you "believe" it, that is not reality.

    You think that if you can't measure something, it can't be real.

    - If it can't be measured it exists no where except in your imagination.

    But many of us do come in contact to it, and we know it is real

    - Good, prove it outside of your opinion or imagination. Many people have "come in cintact" with it, but they tend to be Schizophrenic.

    As for what happens after death, you do not know.

    - Neither do you, but you "believe", which is meaningless.

    You need to feel you have superior insight and knowledge, but you don't.

    - How is it that we are "superior" when even you say - we do not know.

    You are spiritually blind.

    - Absolutely correct, but then you are intellectually blind.

    If atheists are more likely to be depressed, it's because they believe something that is not true.

    - Here we are agian with "believe" that which leans toward schizophrenia. You are right, schizophrenics are not usually depressed.

    Believers can endure setbacks and misfortunes better than atheists,

    - All schizophrenics do, they do not deal with reality.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Data please.

    The causes of suicide are multifaceted:

    1) We know that culture plays a role. (Japan has notoriously high suicide rates because suicide has a history of being seen as noble.)

    2) Geography also plays a role. (Extremely Northern countries have higher suicide rates because the geography results in prolonged sunlight deprivation, which lowers serotonin production.)

    3) Age also plays a significant role.

    4) As do economic factors.

    5) Additionally, the unavailability of a social network can contribute suicide.

    Only #5 would be a known cause tangentially related to atheism as a contributing factor of suicide (many atheists are shunned and isolated by their theist neighbors and family, significantly reducing social support infrastructures.)

    It is possible that belief in a deity could increase or decrease the odds of a person committing suicide. However, I cannot analyze data which you refuse to provide.

    FYI - This is what thinking looks like...thinking is not puking up anonymous quotes, and unsubstantiated claims.

    EDIT: The study you cite from the American Journal of Psychiatry does not deal with atheism. The listed methodology of the study does not specifically divide the test group into atheists and believers. (For all we know there were ZERO atheists taking part in this study.)

    So it doesn't provide information to either substantiate your claim, nor to explain your unsubstantiated claim.

    As for the other link: 1) It wouldn't open, and 2) It's from something called Sounds suspect.

    EDIT 2: I stated the known factors contributing to suicide BEFORE you offered any data of your own. (The data I offered is well-researched enough to offer sans citation, even in an academic work, even more so on YA.)

    Please read my first edit. That study does not deal with atheism at all. It deals only with people who have "No religious affiliation." This designation presumes SOME religious belief, but simply no specific denomination. (This is approximately 15% of Americans; 45 million people.)

    There is nothing in that study which can be causally related to atheism. Your initial claim remains unsubstantiated. And you've offered no data that would allow anyone to compose a hypothesis which would explain any such claims.

    Did you even read that study?

    EDIT 3: You just cited a PARODY news website as Fact....I think we're done here.

    (Pro tip....look up the word "satire.")

  • 7 years ago

    I'll just grant this is true, and say that atheists aren't under the impression that "suicide" is an immoral act since it's someone deciding to end their own life. It's already a cultural norm that if someone is in severe pain and on the verge of death that we can give them extraordinarily high doses of painkilling drugs. It's not that great of a stretch that someone will just take an additional step to completely end their emotional or physical suffering.

    I can't say I would consider suicide, but I also don't think I have any argument that someone choosing to end their own life is doing something inherently wrong. I can't say they're harming someone that doesn't want to be harmed, because they're in charge of what they think is or isn't harmful to themselves. I don't get to decide what hurts you and what doesn't, so by extension I, and anyone else, really have no say in how someone dies or if they decide to bring about their death in a manner that they see fit.

    I don't like it. I think in many cases it's a selfish act that emotionally harms family and other loved ones.... but we don't have any right to keep someone from hurting our feelings.

  • Mia
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I see this information stated incorrectly a lot. There were a couple of studies of people suffering severe depression done. This included people who were theists and atheists. The atheists had a slightly greater rate of suicide. This did not include all atheists or theists, it was just a subgroup of both that suffered severe depression.Perhaps atheists suffering felt more free from fear of hell to make that choice. I don't know, neither do you. Apparently theism did not prevent theists from also suffering severe depression though nor was there data that atheists were more often suffers either.

    Edit: Your own sources support what I have stated not what you allege. You then cited a joke, parody article as if it were real. So you are either a complete moron or a troll. Either way no one should take you seriously.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I don't feel like my life doesn't matter. It matters to me. In fact, I feel honored to get to be a part of this universe we live in.

    In regards to your quote, atheism is not a religion. It describes one's position on the subject of God. Most atheists that I come into contact with are agnostic atheists. This means that they do not believe in God, but accept that they can never know for sure.

    Addressing the depression and suicide thing, I am depressed, and I have been suicidal before, but I was like that when I was a Christian, as well. I don't think that has anything to do with whether or not I believe in God.

    Source(s): me, an agnostic atheist
  • 'Suicide is a world-wide problem. I'm not saying theist's don't commit suicide because they do.'

    You said it not me!

    'But it is clear the suicide rate for atheists are much higher than those who aren't.'

    So clear you are totally unable to provide ANY evidence for your claim. But lets assume your claim IS true: does that indicate God is real in any way? No. Not at all.

    'Could it be? "Atheism is a false religion, with no basis in science or logic.'

    No it couldn't because atheists reject anything resembling religion. Atheism has no basis in science or logic because it isn't a claim. It is merely not believing a claim so science & logic can't be applied to a lack of something only a presence of something.

    'You claim to know things you cannot know.'

    Actually we don't because we do not claim to KNOW there is no God. We simply reject a claim. Is not believing in flying saucers a belief or a lack of a belief?

    'Atheists worship human cleverness,'

    When have you ever seen atheists all hold hands & sing 'Human cleverness you are SO SO awesome' then?

    'and deny the reality of super levels of consciousness.'

    Wrong again. We don't deny anything out of hand - that would be unscientific. We simply lack belief until verification for the claim arrives.

    'You think that if you can't measure something, it can't be real.'

    Untrue. Before the Higgs Boson was know to be real scientists spent billions of dollars to find out if the IDEA was a reality or not. It turned out they were right. No luck with God yet.

    'But many of us do come in contact to it, and we know it is real.'

    Correction: BELIEVE it is real. If you really DID know you could prove it but you can't just like any other religion can't either. Why am I not surprised by this failure?

    'As for what happens after death, you do not know.'

    True & neither do you because you can't demonstrate HOW you can. You are attempting to pass off faith as knowledge. It is not - by definition, regardless of whatever the bible says faith is.

    'You need to feel you have superior insight and knowledge, but you don't.'

    I don't care what I 'feel' because facts aren't respecters of beliefs. Feelings are the very thing I distrust, ESPECIALLY my own!

    'You are spiritually blind.'

    But hey, your superior understanding of atheists makes you FAR more nobel & spiritual yeah?

    'If atheists are more likely to be depressed, it's because they believe something that is not true.'

    But what if the truth were depressing? What then?

    'Help from something greater than ourselves is always within reach. Believers can endure setbacks and misfortunes better than atheists, because we know someone is always there to guide us through it.''

    Really? But the funny thing is you simply can't explain HOW you can really know only why you believe. That is not an insignificant shortcoming in your claim. Give it some thought.

    'The way I see it, as an atheist I'm just matter (since my life is a product of chance and randomness not purpose)'

    Probably yes.

    'How the hell could my life matter?'

    Simple: because I have consciousness so I can either suffer or be happy. What you imagine is I'm not conscious like a rock or maybe a computer but neither display any sign of sentience. That is where your arguement falls down.

    Apart from that your assesment of what atheism REALLY means is spot on!!!

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - EDIT 3: You just cited a PARODY news website as Fact....I think we're done here.

    (Pro tip....look up the word "satire.")

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    Suggestion: try Googling 'Dunning Kruger Effect' - I dare you!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It is not, at least in the state I live. Suicide in the state I live is second only to accidental deaths and the majority of those suicides were Christians. Also look at the statistics for Utah (it has the highest suicide rate in the nation, and virtually all those suicides are theists).

    Now here are some things for you to ponder: Why is the use of antidepressants so high among theists? Why are virtually all mass murders committed by theists? Why are virtually all terrorist acts committed by theists?

    Edit: "Hate to burst your bubble but there has been atheist suicide bombings "

    Look up satire. You should be ashamed of your ignorance and stupidity.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    if believers werent prevented by their holy writing from committing suicide then i would say that there would be more suicides.

    the atheist has no fear of a punishment in an afterlife for committing suicide therefore if an atheist were to (for example) have some terminal disease they may opt to end their life rather than put their family through a long drawn out illness.

    "You claim to know things you cannot know"

    you are making claims that you cant know either.....hello pot

    "Hate to burst your bubble but there has been atheist suicide bombings

    . This atheist suicide bomber in particular killed 18 agnostics "

    and then you cite a satirical web page.....awesome

  • 7 years ago

    Assuming that your central assertion, that atheists commit suicide at rates higher than those of theists, what of it? None of the other assertions you make has any evidence for it, and indeed, you do not even provide adequate evidence that your central assumption is true.

    The simple answer, assuming that your central assumption could be shown correct, is that religions forbid people from committing suicide, and threaten all sorts of terrible punishments. As a person who has worked closely with hospice, and other end-of-life caregiving organizations, I can tell you this is one of the strikes against many religions. Asking a person who is in intense pain and who has no quality of life to continue to suffer so that they don't "go to hell" is morally repugnant.

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