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Is the Bible the inspired word of God?

Please consider this I would encourage you to consider the following facts about the Bible. First the Bible is not one books as many think it is, it a collection of 66 books, which is called the canon of scriptures. Second these 66 books were written by 40 different authors which came from a variety of backgrounds: shepherds, fishermen, doctors, kings, and prophets, and most of these authors never knew one another personal. Third, these 66 books were written over a period of 1500 years and the authors never knew or collaborated with one or another in writing these books. Fourth, the 66 books of the Bible were written in 3 different languages, Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. And finally, these 66 books were written on 3 different continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe. What more these 66 books share a common story line, and a common theme, God’s universal love for all of humanity. And in addition to sharing these commonalities these 66 books contain no historical errors or contradictions. Now if you still don’t believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and has a supernatural origin. Then let me challenge you to go to any library in the world and choose 66 books which match the characteristics of the 66 books of the Bible. If you can produce such a collection of books, I will admit that the Bible is not the inspired word of God. But I believe the Bible from Genesis to Revelation bears the mark of Divine Inspiration.

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    The Bible didn't fall out of the sky. The books were canonized in 382AD at the Council of Rome under Pope Demasus I, which is why the Bible is called the Demasus List as he chose this selection of books over others.

    The Bible was always viewed as containing mythology and history(such as Genesis being mythology while the Letters in the New Testament being historical)

    It was ONLY when Calvin showed up and said the Bible was the SOLE authority that the Bible was raised to a status it never had. And new denominations that formed in the 19th century after the Great Revival in upstate New York took it even further by declaring the Bible to be the LITERAL word of God.

    This is why for instance, Catholics have no issue with evolution or science in general, but Pentecostals and Evangelicals do.

  • 7 years ago

    The original Holy Christian Bible has and always has had 73 divinely inspired books. Only Protestant Bibles have 66 books, because in the 16th Century their founder trashed 7 books of God's Holy Word that every Christian on Earth had used during the preceding 1,200 years. He fully intended to remove 3 New Testament books as well, but his followers were near the point of rebellion over trashing the writings of the Apostles, so Luther had to back down, and the New Testament was spared. If he had his way, Protestants today would be using an incomplete Bible of 63 books instead of the incomplete Bible of 66 books they do use.

  • carl
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    First of all I also believe that the 66 books you call inspired are indeed inspired. However, as a Catholic I believe in 7 more books than you do. Thus I would challenge you to tell me just how, when, and where that only 66 books were determined to be the canon of Scripture for Christians. And by whom? Who was the authority that determined this? For I can certainly tell you at what early counsels the early Church affirmed the 73 books of the OT that were considered inspired.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    “The oldest surviving complete text of the New Testament is the Codex Sinaiticus, dating back to the middle of the fourth century. The oldest fragments, the Bodmer and Beatty Papyri and Papyrus 52, date back to the second century but only contain bits of the Gospel of John. All of these texts are Greek.

    Jesus's native tongue was Aramaic, and even if he knew Greek, he certainly did not speak it to his apostles, many of whom were uneducated fishermen. Without any surviving Aramaic texts, the actual words of Christ are lost forever, mired in a sea of subjective translation by ancient scribes.

    There are three hundred years between the composition of a text and our surviving copies. In a world without a printing press, texts would often undergo drastic evolution through centuries of handwritten duplication.

    Our four canonical gospels did not begin their lives as the gospels of "Matthew," "Mark," "Luke" and "John." Different groups of early Christians maintained their own oral traditions of Jesus's wisdom, as writing was a specialized skill and not every fellowship enjoyed the services of a scribe. When written accounts of Jesus's teachings began to circulate (i.e., the theoretical "sayings" gospel Q and the Semeia or Signs source), the independent groups WOULD SUPPLEMENT THEM WITH THEIR OWN TRADITIONS about the savior, each believing their own versions to be "the Gospel." Eventually, as these expanded writings spread through other communities, some versions were viewed as having more authority than others. It was not until the pronouncement of Bishop Irenus (185 C.E.) that Christians began to accept only the four familiar gospels as authoritative, and to refer to them by their modern titles.

    The rest of the canon was much slower to develop. For the next two centuries, the four gospels would be coupled with a myriad of different letters, epistles, stories and apocalypses, according to what a particular congregation JUDGED AS RELEVANT TO THEIR UNDERSTANDING of Jesus Christ and his message. Catholicism was only one of the dozens of "denominations" within the early church—Gnosticism was prevalent throughout Egypt, Montanism in Asia Minor, Marcionism in Syria.

    Eventually, the Catholic church was adopted as the state religion of the Roman Empire, and all other systems of belief were branded as heresies. Following the Epistle of Athanasius in 367 C.E., the Church finally reached agreement upon which writings were truly authentic and representative of apostolic tradition, thus forming what we know today as the canonical New Testament. Although factions of the Church continued to debate the merits of various books for centuries, and many even used other writings in their liturgy, most uncanonical writings were ordered to be destroyed. In many cases, possession of heretical literature was punishable by death.”

  • 7 years ago

    Everything you said up until "Contains no errors or contradictions" did more to discredit the bible. But then once you got to that point you started lying.

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Yes, the Bible is the plenary, inspired, infallible, inerrant word of God.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Prob not. It was written by regular human beings from a long time ago

  • 7 years ago

    the Bible contains things from men too

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