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Can any materialist refute this evidence of Creation?

The heavens and earth are filled with entities and processes that rare composed of multiple interdependent components at the micro and macro levels.

Every instance of any functional entity or process composed of multiple interdependent components observed to come into existence it has been the product of design and manufacture (creation).

The above is experimentally demonstrable and reproducible...We can at will produce novel functional entities and processes composed of multiple interdependent components...But this has only been observed to be a product of design.

Hypothesis based on the evidence.. Functional entities or processes composed of multiple interdependent components arise as a product of design.

What does this explain? It explains the origin of functional entities or processes that are composed of multiple interdependent components.

How would you disprove this hypothesis?

Show an example of a functional (does something) entity or process composed of multiple interdependent components that is OBSERVED to come into existence that is NOT the product of Design.

Since the hypothesis is based on empirical evidence (observed in nature or experimentally demonstrated AND reproducible) it requires empirical evidence to disprove it.


Again the criteria.

1. Observed

2. Functional

3.Composed of multiple (3 or more) interdependent components necessary to the function

4. Not a product of design.

Update 2:

Quarks pop in and out of existence constantly.

2 minutes ago

A quark is an elemental particle. Alone it performs no function and by definition is not composed of multiple interdependent components.

Update 3:

No Chance Without Probability:

Perhaps I was not clear in my forming things.

1 Observation: The heavens and earth are filled with entities and processes that are composed of multiple interdependent components at the micro and macro levels.

2. Question: Where do such things come from

3. Research: Every instance of any functional entity or process composed of multiple interdependent components observed to come into existence it has been the product of design and manufacture

4. Hypothesis: Functional entities or processes composed of multiple interdependent components arise as a product of design.

5. Is hypothesis experimentally testable? YES We can at will produce novel functional entities and processes composed of multiple interdependent components...But this has only been observed to be a product of design.

6. Is hypothesis potentially falsifiable? Yes Show an example of a functional (does something) entity or process composed of multiple interdependent components that is OBS

Update 4:

Mackey: I am well acquainted with the Casimir effect. But it does no seem to meet the falsification criteria.

1. What is produced by the effect?

2. What is the function (what does it do)?

3. What are the interdependent components necessary to the function?

I suppose you could argue the matter antimatter pair are the components - and destroying each other is the function but given the end result is nothing you start with and end with nothing coming into existence.

Update 5:

djoldgeezer: Vague references to 'Quantum Physics's does not constitute empirical evidence. Can you be more specific?

Update 6:

Alex - Sans the Mercy :

You are starting with an ALREADY EXISTING entity (molecule) composed of multiple interdependent components (proton, neutron electron) and ending up with an entity (molecule) composed of the same multiple interdependent components - through a already existing process (fusion).. What you have is a modification of ALREADY EXISTING entity. The criteria was an entity or process observed to come into existence.

Update 7:

No Chance Without Probability:

That is where step 6 comes in.. Lets use your fire example:

Assuming the hypothesis is man started all fires.. Easily disproved by showing an example where a fire started without man being involved .. _lighting, spontaneous combustion etc there are many examples that can be cited.. hypothesis disproved.

Your objection is rendered; Because I can't think of another example that explains it - but I don't like the implications of the experiments - I can dismiss the evidence using the argument from ignorance fallacy.

Update 8:

Assuming God designed everything is a HUGE assumption.

Edited 23 minutes ago

I'm sorry but I don't see "god" anywhere in my argument.. The question is WHAT might might explain what is observed. HOW it happened, or WHO made it happen are separate questions..

Update 9:

Seems the problem is not with the hypothesis - no real valid objection.. But the notion that GOd might have done it.. Lets stipulate that if there was a creator it was a super duper advanced alien in another galaxy and our universe is an experiment by that alien to demonstrate their own theories of how a universe might come into existence.. Does that help any?

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Law of Parsimony.

    2) Your "hypothesis" is a restatement of your "observation." Which makes your "hypothesis," not a hypothesis.

    3) And your "observation" is speculation.

    EDIT: Yes. It is problematic.

    A) Mainly (but not exclusively) because of "3: Research." There is no research supporting what you claim. There are billions of "entities" with the characteristics you describe in your observation for which we can find no designer or manufacturer.

    B) And your hypothesis is a proven fact....Yes, yes, entities like you describe can arise from design. We all know this. But it does not follow that because they CAN arise from design, that they ONLY arise from design. (That would be like saying: Humans CAN start fires, therefore, humans start ALL fires.)

    The only conceivable way to do this, would be to examine EVERY entity in the universe, and then provide conclusive evidence that shows who/what designed it. (When I see a car, I can PROVE it had a's stamped right on the thing.....not so for humans, stars, and dust mites.)

    C) This is why I listed Law of Parsimony first. In a nutshell, parsimony says: When you are uncertain of the explanation for a phenomenon, then you must use the explanation that requires the least assumption.

    Assuming God designed everything is a HUGE assumption.

  • 7 years ago

    A carbon molecule is "functional entity" which is "composed of multiple interdependent components" (electrons, protons, neutrons). It can also be claimed that these molecules are "manufactured" (i.e. fusion in stars). However, this is not, in any way, "creation", nor is it evidence for "creation". (One could posit that their god "designed" this system in such a way, yet that would lack in the evidence you call for in your criteria.)

    One could say it displays how simple systems have a tendency to move to more complex paradigms. While creation requires the spontaneous appearance of materials, reality shows us that time can produce the materials required for complex systems to emerge.

    "3. Research: Every instance of any functional entity or process composed of multiple interdependent components observed to come into existence it has been the product of design and manufacture"

    Obviously you have not done your due diligence regarding the "research". xD

    "The criteria was an entity or process observed to come into existence."

    Well, of course we can't provide such "criteria" - what you are asking for is literally evidence of creation, and since no one can provide the impossible (evidence for creation), you claim that creation must be true!

    I don't even know where to begin with this logical fail...the theoretical model known as the Big Bang describes how energy shifted to mass, and how "multiple interdependent components" (such as electrons, protons, neutrons) formed into hydrogen.

    But let me guess - you claim "there is no empirical evidence, therefore it is false". Fantastic. So where is your empirical evidence that it was "created"?

    Finding one theoretical model "false" does not automatically make your assertions "true". And claiming to find faults, while only stating your biased opinions, does not make it "false". You have done nothing here to provide evidence for anything substantial at all - neither against what you don't believe OR for what you do believe.

    All you have done is waste your own time. Good job.

    "Seems the problem is not with the hypothesis - no real valid objection.."

    Do you even read these answers?

    Your hypothesis is absolutely meaningless - that is clear based on the answers. Your refusal to accept such a notion does not, in any way, make your hypothesis valid.

    "Lets stipulate that if there was a creator it was a super duper advanced alien in another galaxy and our universe is an experiment by that alien to demonstrate their own theories of how a universe might come into existence.. Does that help any? "

    Nope. replacing "God" with a " super duper advanced alien in another galaxy" does not do anything to your assertion EXCEPT make you look like that crazy guy on the history channel:

  • 7 years ago

    "The heavens and earth"

    Show us this "heaven." Until then no point wasting time on the rest of your nonsense.

    "But this has only been observed to be a product of design"

    That is an awfully big jump from your preceding nonsense. I swear, you Christians really like to change the logic with regards to your deity and no one else.

    Show to the world how it must be a product of design. There is a Nobel Prize waiting for you.

    "Show an example of a functional (does something) entity or process composed of multiple interdependent components that is OBSERVED to come into existence that is NOT the product of Design."

    Don't need to address this one as it already has been by others. Simply put, EVERYTHING. You do not see it because of your mental disorder that is your religion.

    Until you can explain to the world why a designer is inherently a necessary product, you have no argument. Do not make assumptions and do not assert; do not be bias on your religion either. Make a direct connection, publish your findings, collect your Nobel Prize.

    Until then, don't waste our time with nonsense.

  • 7 years ago

    I do not support your claim:

    "Every instance of any functional entity or process composed of multiple interdependent components observed to come into existence it has been the product of design and manufacture (creation)."

    With your axiom unsupported, the rest of your demonstration fails.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    What evidence? For me to refute evidence, you have to provide some, which you have not.

    First of all, there is life that arose via evolution. Evolution is a fact, and if you want to dispute it, disprove the mountains of evidence, provide your own evidence, write a thesis and collect your Nobel prize.

    But let's say in a purely hypothetical scenario, that evolution was not a proven fact.

    Everything requires more than one component to do anything, with the exception of a few elementary particles such as muons, tauons and their respective neutrinos, which will convert into energy on their own.

    Most chemical reactions require more than one molecule to react.

    Tides require the Moon's influence, and the water on Earth.

    Earthquakes require more than one tectonic plate.

    I could go on.

    Furthermore, human creation is just cause and effect. It's just the result of signals in our brain causing our muscles to move in such a way that parts move together to produce something. It's still the laws of physics doing the work, just on a bigger and more complex scale.

  • 7 years ago

    I guess you do not understand science. You do not post a hypothesis and then wait for someone to disprove it. You instead post a hypothesis and test it and find evidence to support it.

    In any event I have not seen anything in your writing that shows evidence of a creator. You are just pointing at stuff you think is complicated and guessing something had to create it.

  • 7 years ago

    Explain why your " all loving / all knowing / all powerful god allows the following.

    5 year old kids suffering a slow & painful death from cancer...

    Over one million kids a year under the age of 7 suffer a slow and painful death from starvation.

    What kind of being allows a child to die while having the power to save them ?

    Over 800 million people in the world live in " absolute poverty ". That means they're lucky to eat once a day.

    There is NO evidence of creation. Just endless chatter.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Since you gave no "evidence of creation," there's nothing to refute.

    Know what you DID give? A fallacious argument from ignorance and incredulity.

    That's not evidence -- fallacies are fallacies because they're faulty "logic," worthless in reaching supportable conclusions.

    "I think stuff is amazing, and I can't explain it, so it must be the product of an imaginary god" is not evidence. It's you being ignorant and incredulous.

    Please go get some education.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    How does that prove creation? Seems to me all it shows is that things that can't work together don't last long.

    Every supposed example of "irreducible complexity" has been shot down by biologists who can show you the steps in other living organisms. The problem creationists have is that they assume everything they see today has always been that way. They can't seem to comprehend gradual development or that things might have been different in the distant past.

  • 7 years ago

    If you have any interest in evidence at all, you now have to form a hypothesis for how the above correlates with biological evolution, which is also thoroughly supported by evidence.

    Source(s): Christian biologist
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