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Was Roswell an intentional crash?

The theory would be to send a message without terrifying an unsuspecting creature. The timing took place after the reverbiation of the first atomic weapon echoed out on the Universe. The crash occurred in a desolute place of the bomb's inventor. The intentional crash was meant to enlighten the weapon's creators as to the bigger universe. Was the government smart enough to see that Roswell wasn't an accident? It seems like we got the message. Note to the messengers: "on behalf of man thank you."

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, the so called Crash was not in Roswell. There are all kinds of arroyos on that ranch that would bust up anything landing even slowly. I spent a day reading the archives stored in Roswell and it ain't all that much.

    Source(s): Elder of the Lore.
  • 7 years ago

    where you get your information? You work as a pizza delivery man don't you. We work for? How much science of you taken? How much physics? Don't tell me, you are "into music."

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