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Lv 6
Silver asked in HealthDental · 7 years ago

Help , i still feel numb after extracting my wisdom tooth ?

i feel numb in my lower lip and chin , it has been 6 days is it normal ??

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's possible that the nerve (inferior dental nerve) was touched during the extraction procedure.. Considering that your dentist didn't mention it means it's probably minimal.. And will go away with time.. Vitamin B 12 supplements may help to make the symptoms go away faster..

  • 7 years ago

    It might have been possible that your lingual nerve was injured while extracting the wisdom tooth which causes paresthesia. Since nerve tissue regenerates very slowly, it often can take a long time. Are you feeling total numbness or having tingly feeling? If there is tingly feeling then it is a good sign that the damage may not be extensive and healing will occur more quickly. Check with your dentist to monitor the situation. Good luck.

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