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Is the Zumwalt DD(X) Warship a waste of revenue?

Our newest Destroyer is 600 feet long, and has a 14,000 ton displacement. It is fitted with a quiet power system, and it is designed not to be seen or heard. At $3.45 Billion it is a technological marvel. The problem rests in the design : "you cannot see it or feel the power of the massive vessel. A massive surface warship is meant to be a spectacle of peace through strength. Large warships are to be seen, to project power of Realpolitik. It's a cool design, but doesn't look like a "big stick.". It also lacks the AEGIS defense network, and anti - BM abilities of a Ticonderoga. Four Type 45 Destroyers could be built at the cost a Zumwalt. A

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We have enough massive, visible warships. We also need some which do their job. We have always needed different vessels to do different jobs. Have you evaluated all that and found its capabilities redundant?

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