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Lv 6
Silver asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 7 years ago

why am i gaining weight ?

i'm 23 female my hight is 152 cm i used to be 110 ibs but after working out i became 114 ibs in a matter of a week

what's wrong ?

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Obesity is attributed to overeating and an inactive lifestyle. Do you want to lose weight? You get exercise every day. Is there a swimming pool near your house? If so, you had better swim because swimming can burn more calories than running slowly. You do front crawls and breaststrokes for half an hour three times a week so you will lose weight in months.

    I go to the gym and work out there. I train my muscles and run on a treadmill on weekends. I also swim three times a week. In consequence, I don't gain weight.

    Getting exercise, eating healthy, eating fresh fruit and the whole shebang are very important.

    Keep it up!

  • 7 years ago

    its probably just water weight

    thats all it is

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