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What are the funniest quirks about our presidents since 1950?

Harry S. Truman

Dwight D. Eisenhower

John F. Kennedy

Lyndon B. Johnson

Richard M. Nixon

Gerald Ford

James E. Carter

Ronald W. Reagan

George H.P. Bush

William J. Clinton

George W. Bush

Barrack H. Obama

I know Truman had brusque temper & bad language might come out of his mouth.

Ike? He smiled a lot

JFK, had lots of babes even in the white house

LBJ, supposedly he also had a babe other than Lady Bird.

Nixon, "I am not a crook"

Ford, tripped coming down US 1's ramp on at least 3 occasions

Carter, he had a goofy brother Bill & he was a peanut farmer.

Reagan, His comments on his weekly radio broadcast when he did not realize he was on the air, "We are going to bomb Russia"

And he liked jelly beans.

Bush 1, ?

Clinton, the blue dress & the sloppy mess

Bush 2, Unusual pronunciation of a lot o words

Obama, mom jeans, attempt at bowling, persnickety attitude

come on give me some more real good ones, mine are sort of lame unless you were present when they occurred.

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    out of that group the quirkiest one was Reagan. He had Alzheimer's disease and they didn't want the general public to know that he had it when he was serving as president.

    There have been many cases about people (that were in direct contact with him) wondering what was actually going on because he would show the symptoms (like calling his Secretary of HUD..."Mr. Mayor") and nobody would explain it to them until long after the fact.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    JFK would let his children interrupt his meetings. He would also interrupt meetings to go swimming. He also would never show any affection to Jackie in public. He hid his health problems for the public. He knew every white house staffer and secret service agent by name.

    Bush 1 was head of the CIA before becoming president.

    Ike had a dentists chair in the residence.

    LBJ was the first president sworn in on a plane.

    Nixon was in Dallas the same day Kennedy was shot.

    Obama went shopping to The Gap a few weeks ago.

    Carter quite often appears in episodes of the Simpsons.

    Reagan's defence program was nicknames "Star Wars"

    Sorry their not brilliant answers.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    See: JFK and the Cuban missile crisis. Ronald Reagan was somewhat diplomatic .. until he sent Marines to Lebanon. Then, only then, did he realize an interventionist foreign policy was not conducive to "US Democratic values"

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