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Why is smoking weed illegal?

Marajuana grows naturally on the Earth. The last three U.S. Presidents smoked it. Jefferson and Washington smoked it. When I'm high it feels wonderful on so many levels. It's legal in Colorado and Washington. God forbid That A Free Society treat it's people justly.

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    If you like to do drugs, you need to limit your drug of choice to the liquid variety.

    Billy O'Reilly loves his scotch, but dang you to heck of you want to puff a joint. On the other hand, if you want to sit around and get stoned all day, make sure mommy and daddy will pick up the tab. No one owes anyone a life of leisure.

    Source(s): Liberataria.
  • 7 years ago

    **** man bob Marley smoked ganja and weed man chill the **** out

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