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Joe Joyce asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 7 years ago

How did alarmists subvert plants and drag them into the great global warming hoax?


C, that's quite deliberate. It is sometimes more effective to use the tools of the deniers against them.

Chem, awesome answer!

Do we sense the absence of a certain segment's answers here?

Update 2:

Well, guess we couldn't be lucky forever. Total non-answer there, graphic con. There is no proof. There is only evidence, of greater and lesser value and reliability. Show me *proof* for any *scientific* theory.

CR and Dook, I believe you're on to something. Is there any limit to how far out there you can be and still post online? Based on what little I've seen, I'm not currently aware of any.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hair driers.

    When nobody is looking, the alarmists go up to each and every plant with hair driers, and warm them up, so that they're effectively in a warmer microclimate.

    It's what they're secretly spending all that research money on.

    Source(s): Please check out my open questions.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The maps are pretty.

    I did note that the Washington Post article recognized that the 'zones' have moved South as well as North.

    Must be some sort of Cooling/Warming cycle

  • 7 years ago

    It does make you wonder. What you describe is clearly proof and there is so much proof about.

    There is AIDS intensification, Afghan poppies being destroyed, the African holocaust, increased aged deaths, poppies are becoming more potent, Africa will be devastated and in conflict, African aid is threatened, weeds will become more agressive, then there was the Air france crash, the air pressure changes ...

    ... fish will get bigger and fish will get smaller ...

    I could go on but it will be easier if you just look at the list:

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    AGW isn't a hoax, it is a reality. We just had the warmest decade in 134 years and 2013 was tied for the 4th warmest year and yet all the dreary non-science, nonsensical deniers still refuse to accept reality

    Thanks for showing links from two sources that tend to batter GW but instead offer validation for it,

  • 7 years ago

    The Illuminati Babylonian Blood Greenie Alarmunist Mother of Conspiracies moves in strange and insidious ways.

    1) It changed the answers on high school exams of Maxx and Sagebrush, so that they got Fs instead of the As which those "true scientists" deserved (child's play after burying fake dinosaur fossils, and almost as easy as forging Obama's birth certificate).

    2) From its Hollow Moon Hideout, its 4th dimension holography bends the minds of editors of thousands of scientific journals and publishers of science textbooks.

    3) It fools the world's stock markets into thinking that oil companies are not valued in the trillions of dollars.

    4) It fools the world's geologists into not realizing, as true "geologist" and #4 top YA global warming answerer Jim Z does, that there are limitless supplies of abiotic oil that can be tapped and used without any scientist being ever able to understand anything about the climate effects of combusting carbon that JimZ does not want to understand.

    5) It faked CO2 measurement data, the ice core record, measurements of ocean acidity, and the calculations showing declining volumes of polar ice, in order to cover up the reality, discovered by PhD statistician Raising Citizen Kane, that the so-called science of climate is really just a bunch of liberal pro-goberment computer simulation projections.

    6) It perfected, and delivered to the Massuese in charge of Al Gore's beach mansion, the time machine used to travel back to 1890s Sweden and impersonate Svante Arrhenius.

    The Illuminati helped the R*thsch**ds take over the Federal Reserve (that's why the seeing eye is on every dollar bill), fake the moon landings (so that no one would discover that it is hollow), and took Elvis away on a UFO before he spilled the beans about how the H*l*cau*t was a hoax.

    Sometimes they come disguised as Reptilians, sometimes as university professors, sometimes as communist advocates of flouridated water or Satanic supporters of the Post Office or the minimum wage.

    Sometimes they are disguised as plants.

    That (!) is why those liberals -who are against all sorts of great American traditions like NASCAR racing, hate radio, carrying guns into coffee shops, and keeping math out of schools- are always hugging those polluting and left-leaning trees.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The Rothchilds evidently talk to plants.

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