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Lv 7
ash asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Fighting for cattle = patriotic; fighting to keep pipeline off your land = unAmerican? WHY?

Bundy supporters, armed and threatening, are being talked up by some as patriotic heroes but landowners and Native American tribal councils holding peaceful demonstrations to fight against KeystoneXL are denigrated as antiAmericans who are trying to take down the country. Can someone explain to me any logic or consistency in this?

3 Answers

  • It's rather obvious to anyone but the freebasing corporate crack crowd.

    If you're protecting yourself, your property or your assets from a face-less government, that's (sic) "patriotic".

    But, if you're attempting to protect water, land, agriculture from a foreign invasion by a face-less corporation hell-bent on destroying as much foreign territory as possible without using an invading army or a cadre of paid corporate mercenaries, (like co-opted local law enforcement fed corporately-correct "homeland security" B.S. propaganda by none other than Trans-Canada themselves) to expand potential warm EXPORT refineries along the gulf coast or primarily Houston.

    To corporate apologist shills, that's "ecoterrorism" using corporately-correct misinformation narratives to distract ordinary Americans away from the countless tar-sand spills that continue to plague Trans-Canada long before the eagerly awaited alternate route is "supposedly" finished.

    Given the various locations of recurrent tar-sand spills/gushers, it would not surprise me if the pipeline is completed before the state department is given the White house seal of approval, judging by Obama's pandering to the folks along the proposed route of XL, I'm almost certain that the pipeline will be finished before the route is approved and the announcement will be made following the midterms when Obama has squeezed out as much political capital from supposedly delaying the project.

    This is hard to wrap one's head around the fact that the pipeline has been all but completed, (except for the Oklahoma to Houston pipe?) and spills continue to plague the existing pipeline, yet we're constantly fed lies as if the pipeline stops at our Canadian border with Canada, hard to have major tar-sand spill in Arkansas if the pipeline is waiting for the go-ahead from the border........

    For once, if only the delusional corporatists were right about Obama, being oh so many false memes, but sadly no, Obama is a wall street federalist/corporate shill, a blue-dog conservative democrat who used populism to get elected and abandoned his campaign rhetoric once the office was acquiesced/given to him by wall street.

    Source(s): Juxtaposition
  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    "A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should also have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them. Which would include their own government."...George Washington

    It was the Government forces who had the weapons...automatic weapons set up in sniper teams, pointed at women and children.

    Ruby Ridge...Waco....Wounded Knee....etc etc

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Stop being a facist

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