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Lv 7
Sean asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Could Monsanto's GMOs be purposely destroying life on the world ecologically?

There are those who think life is destructive to the world, and feels something should be done about it. Would you deny such people would do something about life on the world if they could, if given the power to?

I refer to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) as the Environmental Destruction Agency (EDA), because they don't seem to be concerned with the environment.

9 Answers

  • celvin
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There 's sociopathy at the top that the regular citizen cannot barely even contemplate.

    It is that which actually helps protect these malefactors, and they know it.

    Edit: GM alters the ecosystems it contaminates for the rest of eternity which in turn can go onto contaminate others the rest of eternity.

    US GMO foodstuffs are banned from the EU, primarily due to German concerns.

    They obviously aren't as dumbed down and/or apathetic as the US public.

    Source(s): Truly diabolical stuff going on.
  • 7 years ago

    They care, that is the reason that they exist in the first place.

    But you are throwing the baby out with the bathwater: All Republican administrations have underfunded and tried to kill the EPA and any other watchdog agencies that they could.

    The 'Clean' Air Act (Bush), LOWERS the standards, not raises them; the same all across the board.

    Then when you have dirtier air and water, lax standards across the board, thousands of uncared for vets,contaminated, radioactive soil left by corporations, you hand off all the problems to a Democratic Administration and then blame them for the increase in EPA issues.

    Then you get all the gullible Americans that want a simple answer with some Liberal to blame directed away from what the real causes are.

    When you are evil and lie, then you don't have to care.

    The Republican Credo.

  • 7 years ago

    No they are being designed to make crops viable in harsher environments like the ones predicted for global warming.

    I find it funny that liberals will rail against not preparing for global warming.

    But they turn around and rail about GMO crops and foods that are being designed so we can still eat if the worst does happen.

    And then the Left turns around and claims that Conservatives are anti science.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Remember ever read about the tobacco health institute telling you cigarette smoking was safe.

    And president kennedy was shot by a lone gunman yeah sure

    and i bet you even you trust the findings of the Warren Commission.

    Poor fools.

    I rest my case.,

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I'm not Anti-GMO

    Organic does not necessarily mean non-GMO, all organic means is that it is not treated with pesticides

    All food is genetically modified by nature

    I'm not anti-GMO, but I am anti pesticides.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Obama has made it unlawful to sue them

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Corporations want total control on agriculture! Because "Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people." "Poison First, Regulate Later: The Criminality of The GMO Biotech Industry

    Don Westfall, biotech industry consultant and vice-president of Promar International some 13 years ago, was quoted by the Toronto Star on 9 January 2001 as saying that t he hope of the GM industry is that over time the market is so flooded with GM organisms that there's nothing you can do about it; you just sort of surrender.

    It is not just a vague hope, however. It's an intentional, criminal strategy by the industry." "Big agribusiness may save a buck … but we may all be paying with our health."

    The reason is LOBBYING, by corporations. Win, win for corporations and politicians. "Dow is lobbying the Environmental Protection Agency to permit sulfoxaflor residues on food, and Syngenta wants to be able to spray alfalfa with many times the currently allowed amount of thiamethoxam.

    As the regulators are more or less in the industry’s pocket, the companies will likely succeed in their efforts to further contaminate the food of people and animals.

    The profits of Monsanto, Dow, and Syngenta are higher, because many of the costs associated with the production and use of their products are imposed on third parties and on life itself.

    Many countries have put restrictions on GMO foods. Lawmakers in Russia equate genetically engineered foods to terrorist acts and want to impose criminal penalties. The French parliament has approved a ban on GMO cultivation in France. However, Washington lobbies foreign governments on behalf of its agribusiness and chemical donors. Dick Cheney used his two terms as vice president to staff up the environmental agencies with corporate friendly executives. Just as the political appointees at the SEC would not let SEC prosecutors bring cases against the big banks, environmental regulators have a difficult time protecting the environment and food supply from contamination. The way Washington works is that the regulators protect those they are supposed to regulate in exchange for big jobs when they leave government. The economist, George Stigler, made this clear several decades ago." "The answer to food security, food democracy and local/national food sovereignty does not lie with making farmers dependent on a few large corporations whose bottom line is exploiting agriculture to maximise profit.

    As with other reports [6,7], the CBAN report concludes that we need to support diverse, vibrant and sustainable agroecological methods of farming and develop locally-based food economies. After all, it is small farms and peasant farmers (more often than not serving local communities) that are more productive than giant industrial (export-oriented) farms and which produce most of the world’s food on much less land [8]. And in line with previous findings, not least those of Helena Paul [9], it also states that experience with GM crops shows that the application of GM technology is more likely to enhance and entrench the social, economic and environmental problems created by industrial agriculture and corporate control."

    "Everything You Need To Know About GMO Laws

    November 1, 2013

    Government agencies like the FDA go to great lengths to cover up the potential health damage from genetically modified foods, and to keep the consumer in the dark about what they’re really eating.

    Remember, genetically engineered foods have been linked to obesity, cancer, liver failure, infertility and all sorts of other diseases (brief, must-watch videos here and here).

    And genetically-engineered meat isn’t even tested for human safety." " WikiLeaks Cables

    In August 2011, WikiLeaks released U.S. diplomatic cables showing that the U.S. State Department has been lobbying worldwide for Monsanto and other biotechnology corporations like DuPont, Syngenta, Bayer and Dow. The U.S. non-profit Food & Water Watch, after combing through five years of these cables (2005-2009), released its report entitled “Biotech Ambassadors: How the U.S. State Department Promotes the Seed Industry’s Global Agenda” on May 14, 2013. [10] The report showed the U.S. State Department has “lobbied foreign governments to adopt pro-agricultural biotechnology policies and laws, operated a rigorous public relations campaign to improve the image of biotechnology, and challenged commonsense biotechnology safeguards and rules – even including opposing laws requiring the labeling of genetically-engineered (GE) foods.”

  • jimmy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    it's a conspiracy, I tell ya!'s the CFR!'s the Illuminati!'s George W Bush!..or maybe it's just your own mental health issues coming forth!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Buy Masa and make your own tortillas.

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