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Im planning a party for 40.. i wanna make Alfredo pasta?

Hello. . Im planning a party for about 40 people. What's the easiest way to make it? I heard some use can soup. Like cream broccoli. . Or heavy milk...

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago

    1-1/2 stick salted butter

    8 oz. chopped garlic

    dash black pepper (coarse ground)

    1-1/2 qt heavy cream

    1-1/2 qt half and half

    2 cups fresh grated parmesan cheese

    Pan - Melt butter and add garlic - do not fry garlic so do this over low heat

    Add all creams and turn heat up to med high until it starts a good simmer

    Add 1/2 cup parmesan cheese and whisk until incorporated (not grainy)

    Add the other 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese and whisk until incorporated

    You may want to add more cheese depending on your taste.

    turn heat back down to low and keep stirring every 2 minutes or so. The sauce will start to thicken on it's own after the cheese is added. "Alfredo" sauce is not supposed to be thick. It is a loose sauce called bechamel which is just butter, cream, salt and pepper. The parmesan cheese is added before plating to give it the "cheese" flavor. It's not actually in the sauce. This is the traditional method, not the Americanized version which I have detailed above.

    It's best to pour the sauce into the pasta pot and fold into the hot pasta, then plate. Finish the dish by grating fresh parmesan on top.

    Hope this helps.

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