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Lv 7
Sean asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

How has The U.S. government become exempt from its own laws?

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Those with the power often abuse it... Ex) they have exempted themselves from 0bama Care. They live in places that will remain isolated from the influx of illegals. They never are searched by TSA agents. This simply translates to that they are above the law and nothing sticks.

  • 7 years ago

    Well, Obama likes to shred the Constitution. I can't tell you how many times I have heard him say "I am the Law" And now, this funny business in the Ukraine looks orchestrated to me. Kind of like the Cuban Missile Crisis. I remember that. I sure do. Obama is a Narcissist and he sure would like to play Kennedy now wouldn't he and Holder would like to play McNamara - Yes he would - here is part of the play book - We know exactly how many there were. where they were, and that they had not yet been armed, because the warheads hadn't arrived yet.

    Thus McNamara is lying when he claims that the Soviet missiles in Cuba were armed and ready for launch against the United States. On the contrary, we were watching the ships which caried the warheads; American ships enforcing the blockade which President Kennedy had ordered boarded a Romanian ship (which we knew carried no arms), and the Russian ships bringing the nuclear warheads turned around in mid-ocean and went home.

    It is also quite untrue that there were forty thousand Soviet troops in Cuba. We knew that there were only ten thousand of them, because we had developed a simple but effective way of counting them.

    The Soviets had sent their troops over on passenger liners to disguise the military buildup. Some genius back in Moscow must have then said: "But these guys need to wear civilian clothes; let's put sport shirts on them." But someone at the department store said: We've only got two kinds." So half the troops wore one kind, half of them the other. They weren't very hard to spot.

    Then, too, Soviet soldiers are a lot like our own. As soon as the first group got established, the colonel sent them out to paint some rocks white and then paint the name of the unit, 44th Field Artillery Battalion or whatever, on the rocks. All we had to do was take a picture of it from one of our U-2s. So it was easy to establish a Soviet troop strength of far below 40,000. Thus, McNamara is agreeing to a second lie.

    The big lie, however, is that the Soviet Union came into Cuba to protect the Cubans. That was a secondary, or bonus, consideration. The primary reason for the build-up was that the Soviets at the time were so far behind us in nuclear strike capability that Khruschev figured he could make a quantum leap by suddenly putting in 48 missiles that could strike every city in America except Seattle, Washington.

    Nor did we come as close to war as many think, because Khruschev knew he was caught. His missiles weren't armed, and he hadn't the troops to protect them. Kennedy knew this, so he was able to say: "take them out." And Khruschev had to say yes.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    An emerging Dictatorship comes to mind. Or a Coup d``etat by a criminal organization. Under such conditions the laws of the land cease and these individuals begin making their own laws which apply to the masses only.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    As long as we have eight out of touch corporate criminals on the Supreme Court that passed Citizens United our country will be in dire Constitutional trouble.

    Reverse Citizens United now Corporations aren't people .

    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Certainly the politicians are exempt, so we might as well exempt the government as well.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Progressives only enforce the laws they want.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    In a word. YES.

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