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Lv 7
Sean asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Is it a crime to give the terrorist organization Hamas any form of aid or funding?

Who gave them the funding to purchase rockets and build concrete tunnels into Israel?

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    After each subsequent conflict, Palestine is given aid to recover from the global community, including us.

    Hamas used the money for other purposes.

  • 7 years ago

    Iran use to be the major financial contributor to Hamas.

    There were reports that funding from Iran had stopped because of the Hamas involvement in Syria.

    It is interesting to note that it was Israel itself who created and initially funded Hamas in the 1980s in an attempt to bolster a then hostile Hamas to the PLO.

  • 7 years ago

    This became a done deal and Obama slid down this slippery slope giving these billions of dollars to the Islamic Regime

    The Obama administration hoped that with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif showing an eagerness to solve the nuclear issue and address the West’s concerns, there would be a possibility for a negotiated solution. An interim agreement penned last November in Geneva was touted as a “historic nuclear deal.”

    Under that agreement, Iran — in return for billions of dollars in sanctions relief — limited its enrichment activity to the 5 percent level with a current stockpile of over 10 tons (enough for six nuclear bombs), converted much of its 20 percent enriched stock to harmless oxide and agreed to allow more intrusive inspections of its nuclear plants by the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose inspections were limited to only agreed-on facilities.

    Read more:

    This is what happens with the supreme leader's arrogance - February 2014:

    - On February 11, Iran's atomic chief Ali Akbar Salehi announced that the Islamic Republic has developed a new generation of centrifuges which are 15 times more powerful than those currently being used to enrich uranium. "We unveiled a new generation of centrifuges that surprised the Westerners," he said, quoted by the state broadcaster. Iran said the development was not in violation of an agreement between Iran and six world powers that has imposed curbs on Tehran’s nuclear drive.

    (Agence France-Presse, February 11)

    January 2014:

    - Since the West reached a landmark deal with Iran on its controversial nuclear program in late November 2013, many Western companies are gearing up do big business with the Islamic Republic. Although none of the sanctions have yet been lifted, droves of Western business people are already flocking to Tehran. Iran has the world's fourth-largest known oil reserves, and the second-largest gas reserve - business deals worth billions can be made there.

    It's against international law but I am always seeing things like this (Der Spiegel, January 2)

  • 7 years ago

    Hamas is the authority being voted by the Palestinian People in Gaza to run their country but Zionist Israel bluntly refuse their right, especially Natanyahu and even worse called them terroorists so that Israel can send their armies ,tanks,jet fighters and all WMD. to kill them as you have seen.

    Us.right now funding Israel with her people tax ,I wonder who are funding Hamas.

  • 7 years ago

    Yes you can't finance a terrorist

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It is a crime in the USA, yes. But who says the funding is originating from the USA??

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Given your horrendous ignorance,you must be a very blissful person .

    Any conflict resolution demands a clear distinction between causal factors and all others that usually only obfuscate the situation ..The decades old Israeli /Palestinian conflict is a prime example of this not being the case ..Most commentaries on this subject deal with the consequential albeit serious reaction to the causal factors (as is now underway) with little to no discussion/recognition of the all important causal factors themselves ..This in no manner minimizes the often horrid events of these non causal behaviors or their escalating effects but we need to get back to the root causes where a solution if any can be found . .

    Here are the main causes of this conflict .

    1.The State of Israel was created by the UN under sponsorship of the US/The West without any consideration of the peoples who lived in the region .

    2.The US , Canada and literally every other nation in the world including the UN itself (but excluding Israel) , have declared that Israel's occupation and settlement building on territories it seized in their 1967 War ,is illegal under the 4th Geneva Convention .It is Israel's denial that it is in violation of the Geneva Convention that in and of itself is the major root cause of this conflict .As a result,Israel has been able to dismiss the basic root cause of the conflict and inject an justify it's own agenda.

    3.It was Iraq's illegal violation of the 4th Geneva Convention that led to and legalized the Desert Storm War against it's illegal occupation of Kuwait .Like Israel, Iraq did not agree that it had violated the convention and like Iraq ,Israel claims it is acting in self defense

    Why did contravention of International law lead to a war against the illegal occupier Iraq and not another for the same offense ?

    Other crucial facts involved that will focus discussions on causal factors .

    A.Under the 4th Geneva Convention , it is legal for the occupied ( Palestinians)to do anything and everything they can to oust the illegal occupiers(Israel)

    B.Claims that Canada et al would defend themselves as Israel does , forgets to mention that the former are not in violation of the 4th Geneva Convention ; a crucial distinction..

    C..Israel's constant use of the words "terrorists' and "terrorism" is interesting given it's own history . After over ten years of killing of children , adults , diplomats, etc , and right after the King David Hotel was bombed in Jerusalem (the Twin Towers of it;s day), the US and Britain declared that the Jewish groups like the Irgun , Stern Gang, etc were terrorist groups and their leaders M.Begin and I.Shamir were the two worst terrorists of the 20 th century(up to then). This in no manner justifies Hamas terrorism but only highlights the Israeli hypocrisy and double standards . any

    D..Many reputable historians aver that it was these Jewish terrorists that created the Israeli state in that with Britain giving back to the UN the Palestinian Mandate because of the Jewish terrorism , the UN, with ground work by the USA, decided to create the Israel state .To this day many terrorist organizations like Hamas point to the success of the Jewish Terrorists in creating their state, to justify their equally vile terrorism. .

    E..Israel uses Hamas's threat to destroy Israel as a justification for their action.There was a long time when Jordan and Egypt warred against Israel and swore they would drive the Jews into the sea but of course all this rhetoric ended when Israel ceased to illegally occupy land (Sinai etc) .Normal diplomatic relations exist today and there is no reason to believe that Hamas like Egypt , will not stop their ludicrous rhetoric when Israel obeys international law and vacates the West Bank.

    Israel makes much of it's ceding of the Gaza. Israel did nobody any favours but at last obeyed International Law and vacated Gaza. Gaza was always viewed as a troublesome ,difficult to administer region , an effective "wasteland" .Israel strategically saw giving up Gaza as a sign they were willing to make peace but it was all about protecting it's illegal occupation of the all important West Bank and Jerusalem

    Finally, many reputable experts including politicians believe Israel has no intention of abiding by the 4th Geneva Convention or allowing a viable Palestinian State to be created as keeping the numerous illegal West Bank settlements sitting on choice West Bank land and atop the very important aquifers and it's sacred Jerusalem (sacred also to Muslims) are simply not negotiable..

    Every time things settle down , Israel authorizes the construction of more illegal settlements re-igniting the justified anger of the Palestinians and the US and the world and when the Palestinians rightly/understandably express their anger though violence , Israel like now, bombs them .

    As too often criticism of Israel evokes the anti-semite, Holocaust denier epithets, I have to go on the record stating I am not any of these and support a free and peaceful Israel alongside a viable Palestinian state and condemn terrorist groups of any kind be they Palestinian , Jewish etc .

  • 7 years ago


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