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Is Victoria about to stumble into winning Big Brother (or at least taking second)?

Derek seems to see Victoria as a safe person to keep by his side. With Caleb ineligible for HOH, that means Cody or Derek will probably be the next HOH and if Caleb doesn't win the POV, you will have a final three of Cody, Derek, and Victoria. At that point, it becomes tempting for the winner of the three-part final HOH to take Victoria to the finals.

10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Win, not possible. Jury will not Vote for her. She hasn't done anything and only reason why she's made it so far is because of Derrick.Had it not been for him she would of been gone weeks ago. She can't win any comps either, the ones she's won she had help(Brittany helped her in the first BOB, Caleb helped her in the 2nd BOB, The POV she won only because Caleb took the money, and the Luxury comp was because of Hayden)

    She does everything Derrick tells her to and has said she would throw her game away for Derrick to win.She would rather him win than her.

    Nobody respects her game.

    The Jury already knows Derrick has been running the house and don't seem Bitter at him.

    2nd place yes if she gets to F2.


    Derrick was talking to the cameras last night and it seemed he wants to take Cody to F2, not Victoria

    He said "I have been loyal to Cody and I plan on continuing that for sure but Vic is a very good girl"

    Cody is very loyal to Derrick. He's team Hitmen in his DR's and Blogs he's done. He would be smart to take Victoria to get him the win, but i think he thinks he can win against Derrick. I honestly don't see Cody taking Victoria

    I say it's going to be Derrick/Cody F2 if they get Caleb out at F4

    Caleb's chances of getting to F3 is not looking too good. The F4 POV is based on past BB memory facts and Caleb's not good at those. Caleb didn't make a good move this week putting up Frankie. Frankie would of taken Caleb to F2. Caleb seems to think he can win against Derrick and thinks this game is only about Competitions(Why he wanted to take out Frankie, he would be the only Competition beast left LOL)

  • 7 years ago

    Caleb can not win HOH, but winning HOH only guarantee you to the final three.

    If Victoria wins POV, she would be smart into keeping Caleb.

    If Derrick wins the last HOH, he will take Cody, unless he changed his mind. As of right now, he seem to be counting on Cody and Him in the last HOH.

    If Caleb wins POV, Victoria will go home.

    I not sure if she will be taken buy any of the guys to the finals

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It's possible. I've heard them all say that whoever takes Victoria, they would lose all respect for that person and vote for her to win. But I think it would just be too tempting not to take her. Especially for Derrick. I could see him taking her over Cody or Caleb.

    What I would REALLY like to see happen at this point is for Victoria to win HOH ... hilarious thought, I know... but let's say she somehow wins it. Of course she will nom Cody and Caleb. I want one of them to win POV and she would be forced to put up Derrick. Then have the POV winner vote Derrick out! At that point I think Victoria would just self-evict lol Cody Vs Caleb for F2 would be much more interesting than Derrick vs anybody.

    I admit Derrick probably deserves to win for his game play... however, I completely blame him for making this season sooo boring. For him it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Which is not fun for us to watch.

  • 7 years ago

    It is possible for her to make the final two but there is no chance of her winning. She's done nothing all season and was kept around for that exact reason. Almost everybody if not all of the jury members are big brother fans. No fan would give Victoria 500 grand for skating by until the end

  • 7 years ago

    No chance. Think both Derrick and Cody know she'd be easy, but think they respect each other's game enough to honor The Hitmen agreement.

    It'd be like Dan taking Jerry to the Final 2 instead of Memphis. It'd be easier sure, but you take the person who helped you most and "gift" them the $50,000. Cody at least helped Derrick immensely by knocking out Frankie in that Veto. That alone should be worth $50K.

  • 7 years ago

    Derrick won HOH and I doubt very much if he will take Victoria to the end.

    Derrick can not play in the next HOH but when it gets down to just 3 players - they can all play.

  • 7 years ago

    Victoria couldn't win big brother anymore than she could win a challenge. It has been obvious who the winner is for a very long time. I never saw as many floaters as this season and the jury will always chose a big game player. Never saw so many guys who are that loyal to one another!

  • 7 years ago

    Final 3,victoria,derrick and cody.Final 2 cody and derrick,either way they can share the money,cause one could not be thus far without the other.vicky carried the most weight without her they might not have completed their mission.All the girls even jcosta(second worst player) looked down on victoria,brittany would say oh they put me with her but aye look where her is now,holla.

  • Rick
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Unless they are nuts, everyone else would LOVE to take her to the end with them. She has literally no chance of winning! She's a nice girl but the jury always votes for the most deserving/best playing finalist.

  • K8
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Very possible. It would be funny.

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