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Lv 7
teodor asked in SportsBoxing · 7 years ago

Salido's three of four knockdowns of Terdsak were on account of low blows, two blatant low blows, WTF?

6 Answers

  • Sean G
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thats why that aint a fight of the year

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The first kd was definitely low and should not have counted, but Salido was doing excellent body work otherwise. It should be noted that the waistband on Terdsak's trunks was much thinner than Salido's and they were configured in an odd way that resulted in the lower red portion bunching up above the wasitband, making it even smaller and uneven in areas. The ref was aware of this and at one pointed attempted to straighten it.

    If you look at a side by side comparison, you can clearly see the difference in the thickness of their waistbands. Also, Salido is wearing his trunks lower (barely above his hips). So if Salido is delivering his punches in a legal abdomen area, why should he be penalized because Terdsak is wearing his trunks higher and offering a thinner and continuously shifting belt line???

    Attachment image
  • teodor
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Rugged, dirty fighting Orlando Salido was at it again. And ref ruled knockdowns in at least two occasions where Siri felled Terdsak Janedaeng, now Kokietgym, with blatant low blows. I have no dispute with the knockout as Siri finished off Terdsak with head blows. But those low blows can really take the starch out of any fighter.

  • 7 years ago

    The fight happened in Mexico where it is notorious on hometown favoritism. If the low blows is not enough, they might use a baseball bat to finish the Thai. How many fighters got rob, victims of hometown decision in that place and there's one too who suffered unexplained cuts in his body. No matter what, the Thai made a valiant stand that's worth noting, which seems to be natural to all Thai fighters. They should watch Salido closely on this to avoid repetition of incidents.

  • 7 years ago

    I've never watched one single Salido fights without low blows. That's his trademark.

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Turdsack was too inexperienced, but i knew Salido was going to be there all night.

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